Anyone in WV???

Yayyyy, shady
I'm in Masontown WV and We have 3 1/2 feet of snow and it is snowin again... How about you guys? this is the most snow I've seen here in years. at least everyone's nice and warm in the house and the barn!!!
We are starting to see some flurries. I shoveled out the runs and they just dried out enough for the chickens to get in them... about 2 days ago.

I want to warn everyone about ventelation. I have been keeping my birds locked up tight at night and just open their traps during the day. They were doing fine until they spent a week or so inside the coop. We had some poopy coops and I've been hearing some sniffles. Im cleaning today and opening them up a bit more.
My coopy is definitely poopy!

Yes, it is snowing again. (I live between Morgantown and Fairmont.)

I am SO TIRED of it.

And when the snow melts, it is going to turn into a sea of mud.

What happened to global warming?


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