Anyone in WV???

Belington WV~~~~~ Mine is just about done molting>>>
Ok everyone. I am soo sorry for the delay in this post but there will not be a chicken swap this saturday in Kingwood, WV like I hoped to. We had an unexpected death in the family and I have been with my family during this time. I am going to call and attempt to get this setup for the end of the month on the 30th. Is anyone still interested in selling or coming by to see what is offered for sale? If not I might wait until spring....
hey randy, I'm getting nice color and I have 2 that are laying every day now. the other 2 lay every other day.
my blues are about every other day as well as my olive egg layer. I have put lights on them. It helped alot. before then they had stop laying for a week or so. what kind of color are you getting?
mine are still on strike and only a few a week ... but with the cooler weather they will start . last year,,, the fall season was the best laying time

hey randy, I'm getting nice color and I have 2 that are laying every day now. the other 2 lay every other day.
my blues are about every other day as well as my olive egg layer. I have put lights on them. It helped alot. before then they had stop laying for a week or so. what kind of color are you getting?
They are picking up here too. already this am got 2 from the wheaten and 2 from the blues. My splash blrw will start laying soon.
their faces are getting redder by the day. So I will be getting alot of eggs. I still got 27 chicks that will start laying this spring. I might have a pair on the way soon to if I win. foley blue wyandotte . 4-5 month olds. So will be hatching away for spring swap.

It works great! LOVE IT! I could not ask for a better bator. You put the eggs in and walk away till hatch day. no checking this and that. I have 2 eggs that are growning twins in them one is to hatch any day now. Both are Marans eggs so I would say very easy to hatch in. Need any hatched for you just let me know. I can fit 6 dozen in egg cartons on each of the 3 trays.

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