Anyone in WV???

im located in the eastern panhandle and im looking to get some laying hens(12-15) since i sold all my hens at the swap yesterday...amerucanna or other blue/green layers or a smaller brown egg laying breed or a mix of various small breeds, NOT bantams though. No RIRS.

id like young girls that are laying or starting to lay very soon.

if anyone has any available please feel free to pm me.

Thanks Samantha
wanted to let you all know of another swap we're organizing. I know I know!!! We're swap crazy
Our Spring Chickenstock was much bigger than last year's and the local folks are still cravin chickens
We do an awesome business as we advertise to the public so, if anyone would like to make the venture, here's info on the June 18th swap in Sharpsburg, MD. It's right over the bridge from Shepherdstown, WV but I know it's still pretty far for many of you. We're allowing camping the night before if that helps. Our website:

have a VIP lounge type tent with some chairs and a big banner out front for our byc friends. If you'd like to bring a dish, you can put it there. We can sit, chat and get to know eachother... after the sales madness dies down, of course

Check out our thread to on BYC. The link is in my signature line.
Just found this thread.

Located in between Berkeley Springs WV and Hedgesville.

Started to turn this place into a farm in 2005 but got really sick, now re-focused and getting things done:D Its taken almost 3 years to get the main lot ready for buildings so its a work in progress

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