Anyone keep bees in addition to their birds?

I have a friend who's a Dr. He's an avid bee keeper, and allergic. Just my opinion, but there would be less risk to you as a bee keeper, if you have an epi pen handy, than there would be to you right now, without having "all the time" access to an epi-pen. Do you have an epi-pen? If not, get one with your bee keeping gear!
So what I have planned so far is an all medium setup from Kelley Bees. Thought of starting standardized after reading the weight that comes along with it. Also for easier ordering in the future.

I was going to order my bees from there as well but they have since sold out. Has anyone ordered from Spille Honey before? Was going to go with the 3lb Italians with marked Queen
I keep bees but not familiar with ordering package bees. I would recommend seeing if you have a local beekeeping group. You might find someone with a recent captured swarm and save some time and money. I have had three swarms in my bee yard in the past two weeks.
Hi all. Hope everyone's hives survived the winter alright. It was a long and brutal one. Our two did survive over the winter but "Hive 2" lost it's queen. "Hive one" is doing great and will be split again this year. We just started a third hive last weekend. Jim, my BF got a new queen and "Hive 2" seems to be doing well after one week. Inspection of "Hive one" resulted in seeing that the hive does not have a queen any longer. Ugggh. My new hive "Hive 3" is doing very well.

How is everyone doing?

So what I have planned so far is an all medium setup from Kelley Bees. Thought of starting standardized after reading the weight that comes along with it. Also for easier ordering in the future.

I was going to order my bees from there as well but they have since sold out. Has anyone ordered from Spille Honey before? Was going to go with the 3lb Italians with marked Queen

Hi, I always recommend a Nucleus colony. It is a full working hive with all stages of hive underway (Eggs, larve, etc etc) We have deeps as our initial base then add mediums as they fill. Hope this helps. Did you get one? Sorry this is so late, been very busy.
My bees survived our "winter" very well. Mildest I've seen, I was more worried the bees would run out of stores, they were so active. I ended up feeding my Italian colony, because when the weather got even nicer, they did blow through their stores. Fed the Carnie too, but theydid not take half as much as the Italians. Everything bloomed a month early, and did not bloom as long, but they are getting nectar from somewhere. I put out some syrup, quite aways from the hives, and they are ignoring it. All spring they only took about....2 gallons total, but pollen substitute they really gobbled up.
All 3 have a med honey super on, but so far no action. Some of the frames in those supers are foundationless, wired with a starter strip of wax, but the bees have not drawn them out much. Not much else to report, hope they get to work and I get some honey to harvest.
Stopping in to learn. I have dreams of a hive. THought this might be the year . . . but will need to be patient another year. WIll giv eme a chance to find a good location and LEARN.
Stopping in to learn. I have dreams of a hive. THought this might be the year . . . but will need to be patient another year. WIll giv eme a chance to find a good location and LEARN.

We have been wanting bees for about 2 years now. We never seem to get around to it so we are being patient, but one day we hope to have our own hive and some yummy honey from our own yard.

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