Anyone keep quail outdoors in cold weather climates?


7 Years
Jan 6, 2013
Muskegon, Michigan
Does anyone here live in a cool/cold weather climate and keep their quail outdoors?

I have read that you can keep the Cotornix outdoors even in cold weather as long as they have adacuate shelter and have been aculamated to the climate (left outside all summer, fall, and into winter). I live in Michigan. I plan on quail and chickens this year. I do know quail are small, but I was thinking of them for meat and eggs. I would like to have my own renewing stock (I will be getting an incubator in February).

I plan on building them an outdoor area. Something like a smaller coop with a run closer to the house. I thought I would have the bottom made of hardware cloth to keep things out, although our yard is fenced in, so that does help some. I saw a set up like that for quail several other places and liked it. The question is, if I make sure the quail have a draft free coop, will they be ok in the winter? If not, would they be ok in the shed maybe? It is not heated. My main issue is, I have no room in the house for them. The garage would only be as a last resort (as in I need to be firm with my SO and they will have less space during the winter months spent in the heated garage).
Im from Ontario, same weather you get . Mine are outside all year round on wire , just as my Valley's , Gamble's and most of the Bob's. All are facing east so they get the morning sun . Just as long they have good shelter and no drafts or cold winds they seem to do just fine. All my pens also have shelters built on them.Their also blocked from the north and west winds which seem to be the coldest here. Hope this helps ya.
Yes it does, Thank you! When I was talking to about the chicken coop someone brought up the wind. These guys will be protected against the wind by a wall on their pen/coop but also from being close to the shed will help some too. We sometimes get cross winds across the yard, but I will protect from that as well.

Thank you!
Quail can adapt extremely well to the coldest of temps. They do not need to be coddled with heat and the indoors, unless they are young or sick. If the temp is planning on getting down to minus 10 or 20, then you might consider a small heat lamp. But other than this, they will survive outside, if given the proper shelter completely out of all wind, snow and rain. :)
Beware incubating is an addictive habit lol.

That is what I hear.... I am limited though with my start up and there is a restriction on # of chickens I can have since I am in a township. I will have $500 to build 2 coops, runs, starter feed, the stuff and things you need (waterer, food dish, that stuff), eggs, and incubator. I know it can be done. I have read people doing it here for a lot less.
That is what I hear.... I am limited though with my start up and there is a restriction on # of chickens I can have since I am in a township. I will have $500 to build 2 coops, runs, starter feed, the stuff and things you need (waterer, food dish, that stuff), eggs, and incubator. I know it can be done. I have read people doing it here for a lot less.
If you do like me search search did i mention search lol for prices and parts needed you sure can build a nice pen for 500.00
My Californian and Gambel quail have been doing absolutely fine outdoors, they do have cover from the rain as well as places to stay out the wind.

We also have a male Californian and male CP living indoors as they're disabled.
Right now we're looking at temps in the teens during the day & low teens into the singles @ night all week. I just got 4 quail a few days ago(spur of the moment, couldn't pass up) & for right now I converted a large wooden ice fishing box (about the size of those tool boxes that attach to the beds of trucks) to use for them right now. During the day I have 2 old window glass panels over the top to keep them in, while allowing ventilation & warmth build up during the day. @ night I close the wooden lid & slide out the glass. It's been working wonders & they already started popping out eggs the day I brought them home. Haven't had any "jumpers" either as I know that they can become spooked & launch themselves upwards. I am working on setting up a nice large aviary type area where you can hang out inside w/ them comfortably. This cold weather though has put a hold on it as I cannot do the digging I need :/ haha
Gotta join a "sucker for animals" group or something lol or win the lottery so I can open up an animal safe haven

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