anyone know of a good breeder/hatchery for americaunans?

I more wanted the pure breds for selling poults. If I start hatching ee as well it will be for a more affordable chick for people to buy. Im gonna wait and see how it works out. I go to a huge swap meet several times a year and chickens sell fast and no one around here breeds blue egg layers so im hoping to do well with them
Anything that lays blue eggs is a hot item. Both have seekers for their own reasons so both breeds will sell fast just for the possibility of blue eggs. Please if you choose to breed and sell both be informed on what chicks are what. Too many people are misinformed and it leads to a lot of confusion both with breeds and prices.
Thanks for the advice, im trying to do it right. Have any more advice? This is my first chicken experience. Also im not sure what kind of incubator to get when I reach that point, any input?
I have found Ameracaunas roos to be the most aggressive of all. Not too bad around people, but little hell raisers with the others in their pen. Compared to our (for now, much larger) Welsummer and New Hampshire roos, they are a lot harder to manage. Those big guys are like "Southern gentlemen", while the Ams are like members of a punk rock band.

Sorry for the bad review, I hope your experience will be different.
True, but you will be essentially outcrossing the hatchery EE's with a pure Ameracauna, so you could get more vigor and better laying than either parent line. I would hope they would be excellent layers. That is the strategy I'm using with my pair of blacks. The pullet has not yet started laying, so I added 3 older EE's that are laying well, and intend to hatch their eggs also for our laying flock. When the pullet begins laying, I expect to see a much smaller egg, maybe even a different shade of blue. If I can't tell the difference between the eggs or chicks I will separate them, but I think I will be ok.

I really like our EE's as layers. I can't imagine the pure Ams being better than they are. Feels a bit "snobbish" to value the pure ones more.
I prefer the EE's for laying but if you want to show and breed I would go with Ams. Also the reason the pure Ams are more expisive is because there are fewer of them.

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