Anyone know what a male quail sounds like?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 22, 2012
Hi I have 8 female quail and thought I would like a reproducing flock. Are male quails quieter?
Do you have coturnix?

Here's a good Youtube of one. He crows in the beginning:

There are a couple others on YouTube as well. If you're in the New York area, I'd gladly give you a male. I have too many.
Oh okay! The male quail do have a fairly loud call that carries but it isn't quite as loud or long as a rooster's crow. Most people who dont have quail dont even know what the heck is making that noise. Apparenly i drove someone crazy for a couple years down the road from me because she would hear the noise and want to know what was doing it - she spent hours on the internet looking up wild bird calls trying to figure it out and came up with nothing until she saw me at the farmer's market one day with some quail and heard the noise again!
Thats funny. So I'm guessing they still crow. I thought because they were small they didn't crow
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yea i have a few males outside myself, and at certian times, 5am-9am, 3pm-5pm specifically they go NUTS you can hear them all around the neighborhood, good thing is, no one really knows what a quail crow sounds like.
Once and a while I wake up to a loud quail crowing at around 2:30 in the morning.

You guys are right, though.... they sound so much like "wild birds" that no one has any idea it could be your quail. lol.
Aparently they sound worse than my neighbors yapping rat dogs (chiuahua mutts)... at least thats what the report they filed with animal control said..... Now I only have females.

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