Anyone know what breed this handsome fella is?

He looks a lot like my sister's mosaic mixes. There are some mosaic breeders in the area. Where in western Oregon are you? She is in Dallas.
I only ask because I know she's moving out of my parents place and is paring down her flock, so he might be one of the roos she and I hatched last year. Or he may be from the breeder she got her birds from. Sorry if I seemed too nosy haha
I only ask because I know she's moving out of my parents place and is paring down her flock, so he might be one of the roos she and I hatched last year. Or he may be from the breeder she got her birds from. Sorry if I seemed too nosy haha
Anyway if you're curious, her mosaic mixes are part EE, and some are part standard fowl birchen Cochin, and some are part White Face Black Spanish. She was crossing to wfbs to increase the earlobe size, and kept the ones that had blue or green colored earlobes.

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