Anyone know what breed this is?

Cuckoo Marans cockerel. I would have said Barred Rock, but then I noticed the feathered legs.
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I'm going with mixed breed rooster. Rooster due to the large, red comb for the age. Mixed breed due to the darker color, showing it's not a pure barred bird. Plus the feathered yellow legs show mixed breeding.
He's bantam or part bantam. The most likely bantam breed is cochin, for the barring. He's not pure cochin, though.
Thanks Dondrae. I think you're right. About the gender too...he just started making rooster sounds today. We can't keep him now cause we have neighbors that won't appreciate the early morning wakeup calls. =(
I'm going with mixed breed rooster. Rooster due to the large, red comb for the age. Mixed breed due to the darker color, showing it's not a pure barred bird. Plus the feathered yellow legs show mixed breeding.
Same. It is mixed.

Everyone always goes with Barred Rock as soon as they see barring.. They are so much more than that.

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