Anyone know what breed?

What colour are the earlobes?  

I'm not sold on it being a Welsummer.  The feather colours are wrong. 

The earlobes are red.
I tried to get better pics of her but she's much more timid than the others.
I looked at some Barnevelder pics and I'm not sure if that's it. She has a barred pattern like a BR. Wellsumer didn't look quite right either, but we are talking pictures.
I apreciate all the suggestions y'all! Keep them coming and help me solve this mystery!
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Looked at some pictures of Partridge Plymouth Rocks. You might have hit that one point blank!

Thank you to everybody!!!
Looked up the Partridge Plymouth and found pics of some 5 week olds that look spot on!!!
I'm so glad to have this figured out.
But I know this is far from the last mystery these birds will bring me :)

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