anyone know what breeds could be mixed in


In the Brooder
Mar 10, 2015
I am just curious I know they are mutts. They are very small and have feathers on they're feet. They all came from the same two roos and two hens that ran lose on my brothers property. Please don't pay attention to they're pen we moved and needed a temperary pen. I have plans for a large pen and run I'm hopeing to get it up soon.






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Yes I'm sure those are mixed breeds especially if they came from a mixed flock. Do you know what your brother had in his flock? I'm thinking that there were some brahma's in the mix because they have similar color and combs.
Know he just had the four someone gave him. His two roos looked nothing alike. I know they are complete mutts but I was just wandering if someone would notice a certain breed or two in there. They are small and lay small eggs.
Also if you look at the fourth picture down the white one is a roo and he looks nothing like the other roosters.
Thanks I was just curious. I like the fact they are so unique.
It opens up a lot of genetic infrastructure as you see what genes are dominant and what are recessive in each breed and specie. The only problem with it is it can muddle purebred lines when people try to use them in breeding programs.

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