Anyone living off the land?


6 Years
Aug 16, 2013
Low Desert, CA
I dream of leaving the desert and getting a few acres where I can have a small farm. I have to work for the cost of land and then just do it. Anyone out there have a farm? where? how many acres? what do you grow? Pics please!
We moved to a 5.5 acre farm in Northern California 3.5 years ago. I love it so much! Lavender, grapes, olives, figs, eggs, squash, pears, peaches, artichokes, tomatoes, it just goes on and on!

That sounds great! Do you have horses or pigs, goats ect? I would never have cows but maybe a few goats or pigs. No cows or sheep because of high tendencies with prions. your veggies look yummy!
I live on a 75 acre farm in Kentucky. We raise beef cattle , alpacas , horses, turkeys, pheasants, peacocks, geese, and of course chickens. I do some vegetable and flower gardening. We have 3 dogs, 3 cats, 3 goldfish, 1 rabbit, 2 hermit crabs,2 Pet spoiled chickens. I raise enough fresh vegetables in my garden for us to eat all summer and fall . I don't know how to can , nor do I have the time to ,but I wish I did. I always have lots and lots of tomatoes. I always share with my friends and neighbors. My husband always likes to take half my garden with him to work and shares with his co- workers, and I do also. We believe in sharing our blessings !!!
I have about 2.5 acres in Canada and I mostly grow corn, chives, garlic, rhubarb, tomatoes, peppers, squash, asparagus, sunflowers, raspberries, and grapes in my garden and I just planted a few apple trees last year that I'm hoping will start producing next year...optimistically...thanks to my goats...

For animals, see siggy
Thanks to your goats? Fence around the tree maybe? I will plant apple trees as soon as I get my land. They are a must! I was even thinking of doing honey bees just so they will pollinate my apple trees. Unfortunately I am very scared of bees lol
The goats have their own fence, it was a kid that got out and ate all the leaves and chewed the branches off the trees this spring. The trees are coming back now that the little mischief maker is gone

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