Anyone make nest boxes out of an old large mailbox?


Jun 5, 2018
Hey everyone,
We just replaced our old mailbox. I'm wondering if I could chop it in half and make 2 nestboxes out of it? Would they use it do you think? And what would I use for the front to keep the straw in? Any suggestions or ideas? I hate to waste anything useful and it seems it might be good for that. It's a very large one. Thank you!
I just want it for laying hens, not for hatching. I will try to make something and respond with any results!
Don't forget that hens stand up when they lay their eggs. If the interior of the box is not at least 12" W x 12" H and L, IMO, it's too small. Also, solid enclosed metal may trap more summer heat than would be comfortable for the birds.
An alternate use for that mail box might be to mount it on a post adjacent to (or in) your garden or coop/run to hold gardening or flock sanitation supplies.
That is a very good point ! It may get hot, I may have to rethink my plan for this old thing!

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