Anyone near Greenville, NC? Baby chicks dying in post office!


7 Years
Feb 23, 2013
Magnolia, TX
My brother was just in the main post office in Greenville, NC on Memorial Drive. The postmaster said that someone had denied a 3'x5' box of baby chicks and they are quickly dying in the box there. He asked my brother to take them off his hands. He can't do it as he just rents a room from someone. Can anyone help?? Is this possible? I feel so bad!! I wish I could help!!
I suppose it is too late now… but this might have gotten a better response if it were posted in the North Carolina state thread. Floating in and among all of the state and Canada, Europe, etc. threads, it won't either be seen nor really responded to. Sorry about those chicks, I'll hope someone found them a home.


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