Anyone own an "Eglu" chicken coop/run? Thoughts?!

I bought an Eglu cube on eBay for £500 and I rehomed 3 chickens ... they were clipped and struggled a bit to jump up onto the ladder but are fine now... we don't get the summer heat but we did have a very cold winter and they were fine in there... its very easy to clean (I have just posted a step by step cleaning on my blog : ) and I have had no problems (as yet!) with red mite... One of the girls went broody in April and I decided to sit her on some fertile eggs and I bought an eglu Classic Rabbit hutch on eBay and with the addition of a rubber mat under the bedding matterial (the plastic was way to slippery for the chicks!) it worked really well as a nursery coop... I have since then purchased a rabbit to chicken conversion kit (£70) from Omlet and have changed it over to that now that the chicks are 10 weeks old and mum has gone back to the cube and is laying eggs again...

Eventually all the chickens will be in the cube... (6 possibly 7 if I keep the cockerel!) however the run (in my opinion!) is not big enough for more than 2 or 3 on a permanent basis, however I only have a 2 meter run on my cube ... as mine have a sixty foot garden to free range in its perfect ....

people that keep these coops, be it cube or classic, on a permanent area of slabs or bark do find it difficult to get into the run to clear it out... there is no quick way of disconnecting the run its a case of crawling through the access hole at the end... I move mine to fresh grass and let the area rest that they were on...

As I don't like small enclosed places and sheds... I could not have managed with a wooden coop... as the roof on the cube slides open and the back unbolts completely I don't find myself in an awkward position to clean it... the classic lid lifts off completely so its easy to hose out and clean...

hope this helps!

Alex x
Hi ThinkingChickens,

love your insights about Eglu---also saw a picture of the WIR that you were building---very excellent!

one of the other things about the small run is that predators find it very difficult to penetrate. I kind of consider my run just an extension of the coop.
Hi ChickenDayz, and welcome--

you said:

"As I don't like small enclosed places and sheds... I could not have managed with a wooden coop... as the roof on the cube slides open and the back unbolts completely I don't find myself in an awkward position to clean it... the classic lid lifts off completely so its easy to hose out and clean... "

Ease of cleaning and no need for interior repainting and roost treatment is one of the big selling points of Eglus. Thanks for step-by-step cleaning info.

I did hear of someone with an Eglu getting redmite---so I guess that they can turn up even in Eglus. There is a link on the bottom of my BYC page if you ever need to see any of a man dusting a hen...and she looks so relaxed.

Sounds like you got some good deals on eBay---which is another selling point -- Eglus do hold significant value for resale. I bought a classic on eBay---and Classics are difficult to get in the USA now from what I can tell (I think the Eglu GO is easier to ship). The Eglu Go run has more pieces than Classic - and takes longer to assemble. Anyone with an Eglu can pretty much be comfortable that there is a resale market.

Just like the Yakima Kid-- I have three in my Eglu Go and they really are dong fine. Infact, my BPRs seem like huge birds to me--- But they really aren't THAT big. An Eglu Go or probably Classic can fit 3 without problems. This probably also depends on the chickens.
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Heather G---

You can probably sell your Classic for quite a lot -- (more that the 50-pounds you wouldn't give for it) and pay for the other coop that you want. The resale is pretty strong on just about everything Eglu so you could eBay it. I have to say, they also ship amazingly well. The one I bought second hand got pretty bashed up (the packaging was about destroyed) in shipment---but all the parts and the Eglu Classic came through OK.

I think mine is really well worth what I paid for it. The ease of cleaning alone is sooooo valuable. It depends upon how much you value your time among other things....and how much cleaning time you have to spare.

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