Anyone raise Egyptian Fayoumis, Golden Campines, or Red Caps?


10 Years
Jul 7, 2009
Seattle, Washington
Has anyone had experience with:

1.) Egyptian Fayoumis

2.) Golden Campines (or Silver)

3.) Red Caps

? ? ?

I don't see much on these breeds here and am wondering what their temperaments, etc. are like. Pics would be great, too.


I tried raising the Golden & silver campines they are good foragers not great egg layers. All the roosters where very agressive and sneaky I got tired of being flogged & ambushed in my own yard. I did think the Goldens campines where a beautifully feather breed. they are a flighty breed also. Had campines for 3 years from different hatcheries so I am convinced the roosters are all mean. Keep your stick on the ice and everywhere you stroll if you raise campines.
I have golden campine hens. No roosters ever so I cannot comment on them. The hens are among the best I have. Yes, they are flighty however, mine follow me around the yard. Forget trying to pick them up though, if I ignore, they follow, if I try to hold, they run, lol. They are beautiful to look at, that is why I got them. I got mine all from a good breeder, not a hatchery. I can count on an egg from them every day. They are my best layers. Even when molting, they lay that egg for me. And, they will not go broody. Well, almost never go broody anyway.


I love my golden campines. They are among my very favorites. Just like chickenlady, mine also came from a good breeder.
Mine are definitely not lap chickens, but they are not as wild and flighty as many other breeds. They are very sweet and animated. My hens are great layers and I love the big, white eggs.

I have three roosters and have never seen any aggression in any of them. One of the roos, Jake, is always one step behind me- talking and humming every step of the way. My roosters don't seem to crow a lot, but are more talkative and chatty than my other breeds. That's one of the reasons I like them so much.
I see picture here every day of a Golden Campine labeled "Easter Egger "

And i feel like a complete Newbie idiot asking this, but what does flighty mean?They Fly alot? Theyre active ?
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Flighty generally means that instead of just "running" away from you, they will use their wings to get away faster. This means they jump up in the air, freak out, have a complete melt-down etc.

The chicks I got from the store as substitutes are worse than my Minorcas could ever have hoped to be.

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