Anyone read "the Chicken Health Handbook"?

Indiana hens

11 Years
Jun 25, 2008
Pendleton, Indiana
the Chicken Health Handbook by Gail Damerow
Suggested purchasing or reading this book, for all poultry owners.
This is published by Storey Publishing.
Anyone else read this book? Do you think it would help the average poultry owner?
I have 2, one at home, and one at work. I agree if you have chickens, you should have this book. mypetchicken has had it on sale for a might want to check them out.
That is a great book to have, but a warning....if you just sit and read it, you may never want to raise chickens, LOL. On the other hand, if you read it before getting chickens, you will want to practice great bio-security! Wish everyone would have it in their reference library and read it from cover to cover.
I dunno, it's an interesting book. I'm not sure how "essential" I'd call it, but certainly if you are interested in things like that it's nice to have around and if you buy adult birds from swaps and so forth then it might actually *be* somewhat useful.

I am not impressed with the factual accuracy of the information that I know enough (as a biologist) to judge -- there are a lot of inaccuracies in there, albeit none that actually change anything, but it makes me wonder how well-proofread and medically-accurate and up-t0-date the rest of it is, that I *don't* know enough to judge.

Can't hurt to have it, though

I feel there is still really an empty space out there for a GOOD book on backyard-type flock health and health management... better organized, more tightly focused on commonly encountered problems, and much more detailed in descriptions and treatment suggestions and anecdotes about actual cases. If anyone from the publishing industry is listening



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