Anyone seen this before? Pic's


Chicken Connoisseur
11 Years
Dec 16, 2008
I went out today and noticed what looked like a scab on one of my splash marans pullets tail area. So I picked her up to investigate and saw these two grape size scabs with a very wierd pointy piece of skin on the top of her tail. They look like they are growing out of her skin. I am sure if someone has experienced this they will know exactly what I'm talking about, but I havn't found anything related. Here is the best pick I could get while holding her in 1 hand and snaping a pic with the other. The top left of the of the pic is tail feather. That little pointy piece of skin is center of the spine right at the base of the tail. The scab part is almost identical on both sides.

Gee, it almost looks like one of those staph infections you'd see on a bumble foot. My rooster had those on his knees. I tried treating but it eventually made him lame so I had to put him down. At least this is an area you could treat that wouldn't affect mobility because it's not around joints and tendons. Please get some more input.
Oh boy, if it's the same thing my rooster had and I have to say it looks exactly like it, the consensus here (if you look at bumblefoot threads) is you need to get the scab off and pull out the 'plug' of infection. Supposedly that plug is staph so you want to be careful handling and you don't want to leave it around for other chickens to eat.

People here were recommending soaking but I found it easier to get the scab off dry using some needle nose pliers. I then fished around and did find a plug. I rinsed the wound out with hydrogen peroxide and put some neosporine antibiotic and pain reliever on it and wrapped it in some flexible tape. The hole was so big I stuffed a cotton ball in it.

I had some tetracycline leftover and was giving him some of that. At first, it seemed to be helping. Actually, I did try the soak first and he seemed to like that too. But I dwindled on my efforts and the scab came back. I went at it aggressively then but it was all down hill. It wasn't in a good place for him and it seemed that I could never get out all the staph.

I'm not sure if there's a better antibiotic to use. Some of the means by which people were getting out the infection seemed a little radical to me (or maybe just scary, using exacto knives). Anyway, I only got so far. You should research some of these bumble foot threads. I hope somebody can chime in on this.
Chef, it's hard to tell what we're looking at, but I believe the pink bump at the top of the tail is the oil gland. Could she have an impacted oil gland?

Can you try to get another pic? We would want to be sure we're looking at scabs and not mite eggs or something. ??
Yes, I know i need some better pics but spare hands are rare around here. I will get someone to help me tomorrow. It may be an infection but I cant say for sure. Hopefully the better pics will help figure it out.

Ok well I took a couple more pics. Still not very good but I think you can see what I'm talking about. Has anyone had experience with infected glands? If it is infection what is in that area that could get infected like that? She seems to be eating fine but she feels like she might be loosing a little weight. The other hens dont like her either.


That`s a weird one, allright. Go to a health food store and get a little bottle of Colloidal Silver(expensive, the last one I bought was about $25 for a few ounces). It`s a natural antibiotic and it works miracles. Douse her sore with that and watch it a few days. You can apply once a day, if you want, but take it easy on the amount. Keep her seperate from the others until it heals..........Pop
Wow, Chef! It almost looks like her oil glands have impacted. The pink bump in the middle does indeed look like the oil gland bump - - should be centered right over the tail. I am going to PM some forum experts to see if they can chime in.

Is she showing any other symptoms? - - lethargic, any injuries, over-mated or roos perhaps standing on her back on occasion?

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