Anyone tried this H20 Animal Hydration Tough Guy Automatic Waterer for their ducks?


In the Brooder
Mar 11, 2015

Hey duck owners! Has anyone tried using this or a similar set-up for their ducks? I've seen some of these I particularly like the metal little giant version, but I was worried how easy it would be to clean the duck backwash from the bottom of the bowl? Would you just make it overflow every other day or so until the water ran clear? This one ( has a drain, and I think that would be nice... but can't say I would be thrilled to stick my hand into the bottom of the dirty water to pull the plug. I definitely could though if it meant their water was staying fairly clean.

I've been going crazy trying to come up with some sort of an automatic duck waterer system. I've been scouring the old threads, pinterest, and google. So many options for chickens... but when it comes to water ducks are a different animal. Someone needs to invent something specifically for ducks. The options arent really there. Or if they are, please point me in the right direction! :) Something that will give them a relatively clean supply of water. Without worrying about them running out!
Right now i have a hose with 2 holes poked in it (Spread 4 feat apart) and 2 rubber 3 gallon tubs under the holes. the hose is on constantly but they is a timer shut off valve, turns on for 30 sec at 7:00am and 30 sec at 7:00pm. another set up i have done is a small pool, with some kind of fence around it (welded wire) with holes cut out ( Just a bit bigger than their heads) and filed down ( no sharp edges) a Float valve in the pool. and tile on and around the pool at least 3 feet around the pool. this is the perfect setup, i havnt had to clean it in months. 9Ps i put a water heater in it in the winter. The First one i said is the one that is where they free range, the second one is in there pen (1400 square feet)Good Luck!
Right now i have a hose with 2 holes poked in it (Spread 4 feat apart) and 2 rubber 3 gallon tubs under the holes. the hose is on constantly but they is a timer shut off valve, turns on for 30 sec at 7:00am and 30 sec at 7:00pm. another set up i have done is a small pool, with some kind of fence around it (welded wire) with holes cut out ( Just a bit bigger than their heads) and filed down ( no sharp edges) a Float valve in the pool. and tile on and around the pool at least 3 feet around the pool. this is the perfect setup, i havnt had to clean it in months. 9Ps i put a water heater in it in the winter. The First one i said is the one that is where they free range, the second one is in there pen (1400 square feet)Good Luck!
That is a very good idea! I hadnt thought of putting water on a timer. How big was the pool? We have a really good space that we can expand the run to, and I'm thinking putting a little pool there will be perfect. The ground slopes up a little, and it is right by my garden, so draining it would be really easy.

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