Anyone try blu-cote for vent gleet?

I’m pretty sure she has vent gleet. I brought her in and gave her a spa treatment! Before her rinse i checked her bum. I pushed on it and some ozzy yellow slimy stuff came out. What can I buy that I give either orally or inject into her bum? I read and read and notice people say this emergency aid gel but doesn’t say to inject orally or by mouth or even what it’s called.
Please help on what I can do for her! She’s my favourite!
Do you live in the US?

Yes, thanks. I've read those threads and a ton of others in doing research on the situation. It kind of irks me when people post questions that are readily answered with ten minutes of research and a simple Google search. Anyway, I hadn't been able to find more information to using Blu-Cote as an antifungal treatment. So, I tried it.

I gave the afflicted hens epsom salt baths, trimmed their butt feathers down, and sprayed their rear ends with the Blu-Cote. I'd already added ACV to the water a few weeks before, but that didn't seem to help. I added the powdered probiotic to their feed last week too. The Blu-Cote seemed to work like a charm. I was surprised at how quickly it worked in fact. The butts seem clear and the chickens are all laying again happily. Yay. A success! (for now at least)
I would never put blu-kote on any mucous tissue, including vent tissue of chickens. Just my personal experience with blu-kote and other farm and domestic animals (dogs, cats, sheep, cattle, horses)

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