Anyone up to set their eggs on Valentine's day with me?

Well, I had 68 eggs in the incubator. Bantam Cochins and Serama. Most of my Serama eggs were shipped. Yesterday I tossed 23 eggs and I'm pretty sure there will be more. Doesn't look like any of my shipped eggs will be any good. On the plus side, every single one of my cochin eggs have veins or more development.!
I'm dropping in late to the party. I set two eggs on February 14th.

I had a raccoon climb the elm tree above my coop, drop 8 feet onto the top, squeeze through a tiny vent hole along the rafters under the tin roof (literally just a couple inches, and far under the overhang... he shredded himself on the edge of the tin trying to pull himself in, blood drops everywhere), and killed two of my big floofy Buff Orpington hens. Two days later on a whim, I combed through the egg basket on the kitchen counter to see if I had any of theirs in there still (they lay the roundest and prettiest pottery brown-red eggs out of the birds in their bay of the coop), and popped them into the incubator.

Candled today and have two fiesty active babies developing. And my goodness are they violent in there! Yay!
Awww that is so sad BUT the eggs - congrats !
Yes I am down to ONE serama egg - candled and it is going strong! But on the plus side all the Japanese eggs and the "mystery" egg are going great! LOL
RidgesideBeauty, congrats on your two eggs.
Inkheart, crossing my fingers for your Serama egg!
I think I may have one shipped survivor. It was taking me too long to candle the other night so I just shut the lid without checking what I had left. I'm going to try to go through them again this weekend and should get a better idea.
These Serama eggs are as touchy as people had said - they are not for the beginner - but alas i AM a begiiner

What all will you guys be using as a brooder - anyone ever use a large rubbermaid tub?
I still have 10 of 24 in the 'bator. Last 3 pulled 2 were clear, one was another stinker.

Had a quick peek yesterday when I popped the other batch into lockdown, could see some movement but it wasn't dark so I'll have to have a better look tonight.

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