Anyone up to set their eggs on Valentine's day with me?

Just checked mine again... no pips, no chips, certainly no zips...
I set mine late on 2/14, so hopefully they are OK and we are just a little behind you guys.
I have to set up my brooder tomorrow... the "good" one is at school for the kids to use (if we get any chicks...) so I am making one here out of a rubbermaid container. I hope I need it!!
I set mine on the 13th so you seem to be on target for tomorrow and Monday! I was on for tonight thru tomorrow night. My two are early birds!
My one who pipped at the wrong end scared me. I realized he didn't internal PIP into the airsac! He was active for a bit then slowed down, so I thought he might be drowning! I took him out and picked a bigger hole for him and he's breathing better now. A bit of bleeding tho so I stopped. We will see what tomorrow brings for that one.
Good luck sleeping everyone!!
BB the broody hatched out 6 serama eggs out of 7. The last one died in the shell. Found out when I went to pip the airhole and no movement or no sound. One of them has a deformed eye but it's moving around under mama..

Pepper the last time I checked didn't have any out of her 7. Will be checking in the morning.

I have babies!

Three pale chicks and four black chicks out so far.

3 eggs left at the moment but they could well come out tonight or tomorrow.

EDIT: Clhbubba, yes, they can.
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i already posted this somewhere else but .....
how many times is too many????

mine were not due til Monday... but nobody told them...
last nite at about 3:30 i found the last one out...
here they are....

i'm pretty sure this one is pure WCB polish


and this one i think is from my SL hen and WCB roo


can anyone tell from these pics what i have (male / female)
Good Luck to the rest of you all waiting
I have four pips this morning out of 11 eggs!!!!!!
I can't believe it! The time is finally here!!! Now to sit and watch for a few days....
Wish me luck!!!!

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