Anyone up to set their eggs on Valentine's day with me?

I messaged the breeder that I got my eggs from, and she said they came early, so don't give up yet!!! My temps were a bit high, I think (LG still air... sigh) so maybe yours are right on and you'll get a great hatch over the next day or two!
Please don't give up!! After all my eggs went through yesterday, as of this morning I have 12 babies! Had one pip and die in the shell and 2 have no action. None of the 3 Serama eggs show any movement either. I am still sending great hatching vibes to everyone. Good luck!
Definately give them some more time. I don't mean to give false hope, but there is still absolutely a possibility that they are just late. When nothing is happening, it is really easy to get discouraged and think all is lost. I had some disconcerting temp differences at opposite ends of my bator. When my eggs went into lockdown, i didn't pay attention to which eggs went where (I arranged them in a different carton), so I forgot which ones were warmer or colder. Well it was pretty easy to tell, because the warmer ones hatched day 20, and the cooler ones hatched as late as day 22.
Fingers crossed for you.
Sorry about your eggs Inkheart
. Just a suggestion if they don't hatch there is another BYC'r known as PearlySue that has some nice looking Seramas who is also in Ohio. I don't remember the exact location but maybe its driving distance from you. Then you could get some more eggs without shipping them. Here prices were very reasonable and she had frizzled Seramas too.
Thank you we will see - i think it might have been me ! There are Japanese eggs in there too . Hoping maybe they are jsut late !
I just heard peeping inside the bator!!
No pips yet as far as I can tell. I assume it will pip soon, right? Must. Sit. On. Hands. lol
That's very exciting!
I've found "soon" to be very relative when it comes to hatching! I really took a hands off approach this time, and some of my new ones REALLY took their time. Some were pip, zip, hatch in less than an hour while others pipped and waited almost 24 hours before they went back to work. I had all but written them off. But they all hatched on their own effort! It was a good lesson for me: They know what they are doing, I just needed to let them do it.

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