Anyone up to set their eggs on Valentine's day with me?

Alert the media! I had one hatch! And one is mostly out! I was sleeping and the cat came and was pawing at my face and meowing like crazy - which did not please me - but it was like she was tryign to tell me something and i got up and she booked to where the bator is - there was a chick! Peeping! Another has pipped a small hole but nothing and as i left for work the other one was mostly out - wing out etc. The rest no action ...BUT i am thrilled to have the two if nothing else as this is my first shot in an LG still air hand turned by me. I just hope that one makes it out ok today as i dont want a lone chick! I left it in the bator as it is still somewhat wet looking and will put it and "thing two" in the brooder tonight! How long should i wait on the others? Yesterday was day 21 - mind you they hatched basically in the middle of the night going into day 22! Thanks for all your support and listening to me stress and whine! LOL
wonderful. I have two out and but no pips on the others. day 22 still waiting
yay!! I'm up to 3 poults and 4 chicks! I think I have another chick pipping, but all the other eggs are quiet. I understand they should stay in the bator until hatch is complete, so they should stay in all of today and perhaps tomorrow. Is that what you all do?
Ya'll dont think it was bad that i left the first one in the bator right? It wasnt quite dry totally and the other one wasnt totally hatched and i just figured i would put them in the brooder when i got home from work - Just seemed the way to do it - worried it might be too hot for it and it will not make it?
Most people seem to leave them in the bator for a while. Might be a little stuffy in there, but they should be fine. Hopefully your bator is stuffed full of chickies when yu get home!
How many more are you waiting for? FWIW, i don't wait until the are fully fluffed, I just wait until they can walk reasonabley well so they can move towards or away from the heat in the brooder.
Thanks - well with its lil short legs - was getting around but hadnt quite got its "sea legs" so my thought was thinking the other one will be ready later and they can go brood together! That leaves 7 unhatched - no signs of anything this am so we will see! you never know !
Congrats Inkheart! I'm glad the waiting paid off! I would have left him in the bator also. He/she will be all fluffy when you get home, hopefully with many buddies!!
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