Anyone use SAND in the run/coop

Ok I may see if I can find out about this dg stuff cause right now I just have dirt. I took aerial rake and raked dirt real good today. Loosening it and getting up most of the pop. Then I shoveled it into a bucket and sprinkled DE on the ground and they instantly went to scratchin lol!
I'm going to be using sand in the coop and the run but what do you do with it when you have to replace it? Where do you put it? We only have an acre and no low lying spots to full in or anything like that. Any suggestions? Thanks!!
Hi I use dg mix and I clean the coop and enclosure all the time and throw it in a trash can and the garbage man takes it weekly. I throw it in the same garbage can as everything else.
Well I have had mine in the coop for about 2 months now. I clean almost daily, but I only have 4 chickens. I use a kittle litter scooper. I think you can replace it whenever you feel the need. I have a lot of property here so I just shovel it and throw in the back forty .
Also look into PDZ a horse barn freshener, I read a post here on BYC about making trays with it and it cleans up like sand and keeps the coop smelling good.
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Oh I use pdz for my horse but I use food grade diatomaceous earth in my coop and enclosure and there is no smell plus it keeps flies away. It's great to put on your chickens too for fleas, mites and any other pest control. I sprinkle it on their food as well. I've never had a problem.
I actually knew about food grade diamastus earth but only for pest control on pets and to lay around the house to keep bugs out. Thanks for the additional knowledge of its use.
Oh you're welcome. Yes since it's food grade it's edible. It keeps parasites away. Also good in the garden around your plants and veggies. Also if you wet your tree trunks and pack it from the ground up the trunk It keeps pests from the trees and if you wet the leaves and fruit and then throw it on the leaves it's great as well. Ants hate it.
Newbie Question....where do you find DE?

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