Anyone use SAND in the run/coop

Now that is interesting. I love learning something here all the time. So, they really need to dust all winter long also, even when they will be locked up in the coop for an extended period of time. Last winter was brutal, and the old farmers almenac says that this coming winter will be even colder.
Like cracrzy4chicks, I'm going to put a big kitty litter container in a corner of my hen house with wood ashes in this fall. I saw where someone mixed ashes with other things, like some sand and I can't remember what else. Actually I'll try it in the run first.
Like Reagan says, "trust but verify" I'd rather have the mess outside if it is one.

The girls don't make a mess. BUT, you'll need a deep container. I use a cheap one from Walmart, it's about 12"- 18" deep. That way they can't throw all of the ash out of the bin !! And they will throw it out of the bin, when they really get flopping & rolling around in it !!
I fixed my girls up this past weekend. They will be 3 weeks old tomorrow. They love the sand! I sprinkled a few mealworms around the sand and watched the show. A little later, a couple of them got their first dust baths.

That's a nice little set up for them. It looks like they even have their own patch of grass.
Thanks. Yes, I added a small piece of grass to see how they would react. They pecked and scratched around in it just like a grown chicken.

I am considering using sand in my coop as well as in the run. So far I've heard nothing but good reports from people saying they love it! The only 'bad' thing I read was where one person reported that it was too cold for them to stand in, in the winter. That her chickens preferred to leave the coop and stand outside rather than inside on the sand.
Can any of you who live in cold areas comment on whether you've had issues with that? Thanks so much!
Another question for the wood ash folks....I spent the better part of yesterday and this morning burning an entire 25ft. section of wooden fence, to include the pressure treated posts and 2x4's. Question is, when this ash cools, I assume it would be alright? All of the impurities of the wood I am assuming went up in had to have been burning well north of 500ºF. It is still burning in the 55 gallon barrel as we speak.
What say you? Yay...or Nay on this ash.....thanks!
I wouldn't add any ash to the coop that has had chemically treated anything in it. That's just my opinion. We have a wood stove, that we only would put firewood (not treated, just aged old trees), and maybe some newspaper. That is probably all I would use. :)

I'm also hoping that adding sand will at least improve some drainage? My chickens are back in a low spot in our yard, we've managed to fill it with grass clippings and straw and dirt over the last few years, but when it rains a lot in the winter (we live in the PNW), there is standing water in places. My birds will take a bath in 5/8 minus gravel, so I don't see why they wouldn't love a little sand??
I am considering using sand in my coop as well as in the run. So far I've heard nothing but good reports from people saying they love it! The only 'bad' thing I read was where one person reported that it was too cold for them to stand in, in the winter. That her chickens preferred to leave the coop and stand outside rather than inside on the sand.
Can any of you who live in cold areas comment on whether you've had issues with that? Thanks so much!

I'm in Indiana and it got darn cold here last winter. I didn't have a problem, but my chickens don't stay in the coop at all until they go to bed. They free range over almost 5 acres, but I never seen them having any problems and I really don't think it could possibly be colder than the concrete around their coop they were standing on.
Another question for the wood ash folks....I spent the better part of yesterday and this morning burning an entire 25ft. section of wooden fence, to include the pressure treated posts and 2x4's. Question is, when this ash cools, I assume it would be alright? All of the impurities of the wood I am assuming went up in had to have been burning well north of 500ºF. It is still burning in the 55 gallon barrel as we speak.
What say you? Yay...or Nay on this ash.....thanks!

I tend to think the chemical would be burnt off. . As I see it, a chicken left to it's own means will eat what it likes, range where it wants to, and dust bath where it feels good. But the like Barney Chick, I get my wood ash from my fire/BBQ pit using hard wood.
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I agree. I would not put ash from anything other than from a wood burning stove that burnt only untreated wood. We normally burn a lot of paper in there as well and avoid using it for the chickens since we don't know what is really in the paper.

How much sand do you guys use per chicken? As in approx. how deep is your sand litter per say, 10 chickens?

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