Anyone use SAND in the run/coop

Just trying to be sure not to get something that is too dusty. I have read that reg play sand is dusty and I want to be sure it clumps the poop a bit so I can sift it. I think I might try the sand I found at Home Depot called "natural play sand". It was super smooth and silky feeling. Seemed like they would like "bathing in it. I hope its not dusty. Wouldn't the concrete or masonry sand hurt their feet as they walk on it and not be comfortable for "bathing"?
Some sand is dusty and some not so much. I once purchased a bag of play box sand before I started getting it from a natural source and yes, it felt really soft and silky! LOL However yes, play box sand will still absorb poop and the smells. Sand also repels flies since it stays so dry and you can hose it down in the summer time to keep the birds feet really cool. Cool feet mean cooler birds! :)
Oh and the concrete sand is almost the same as play box sand. It is a tad courser but you can hardly tell the difference.
What kind of sand are you using exactly? I know not the play sand, but there seems to be a lot of different names. At Home Depot they had a "natural play sand" which was not the reg play sand, then I talked to a landscape company who said I should get their so named masonry sand or concrete sand. Can you please help me?

We got washed sand from a local landscaping supply company.

Depending on how much you require, it will be awfully expensive to buy it by the bag at the hardware store. We used a lot more sand than I thought we were going to once it actually came down to measuring out the space and depth. We just went and got a couple truckloads from the landscaping place. They were also quite helpful in deciding what products we needed when building our coop, so, try giving a local landscape supply store a call & they may be able to help you out figuring out exactly how much of what you need and how much they charge.
We used what they called "washed sand" (also sometimes referred to as leveling sand) which is working very well. We were told from a few different sources not to use masonry sand as masonry sand is very fine and gets very dusty (that being said it also does not stick to itself when wet, so no building sand castles in the coop LOL) also were told not to use standard play sand as it has I think polymers or something like that in it which isn't great for the chickens. I'm not sure what exactly they are marketing as "natural play sand" I would just find out what it is before you put it in your coop. I don't think you need to get really fancy with it or anything though.
I have play sand in my coop. In a year I changed it out. I added sweet pdz and diamathious earth. I turn the dirt periodically and rake debri up too. Odor stays at a minimum. The upper level where they roost I have a poop caddy. Hubby built it like a tool box caddy. The "handle" is the roost. Droppings go into the caddy. Also sand pdz and diamathious earth. Works wonders for my small flock. I put the old dirt in the back portion of my property. It's gone now. Rain has basically caused it to blend into the landscape. Used play sand from Home Depot
Quote: You can use a pickup truck and just shovel it into the bed. We have a old ATV with a cart attached that we collect the sand in. Took 10 full loads to fill the coop and run. Definitely back breaking labor!! LOL Now every couple months I will go get 2 loads to refresh it as some is removed each time I clean.

You might stop by a local sand and gravel company and have a look at their sand. If you think it will work, they can deliver a ton or so to you. Lots of people go this route. I almost did this too. The sand is usually pretty cheap and you are basically paying for the delivery of it. But it makes quick work if they can deliver. :)

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