Anyone wanna help gender my chicks?

Hmmm.. will want to keep an eye out, but the tail can be the most deceiving. Watch for saddle feathers and neck feather, they’ll be long and skinny. If I’m wrong, then sorry 😬 but I guess we all get it wrong sometimes..

Crossed fingers for a hen 🤞
Hmmm.. will want to keep an eye out, but the tail can be the most deceiving. Watch for saddle feathers and neck feather, they’ll be long and skinny. If I’m wrong, then sorry 😬 but I guess we all get it wrong sometimes..

Crossed fingers for a hen 🤞
I’d like a hen! If they end up being a roo, they’ll go live a happy life down the road at my dads farm since I can’t have Roos here, so no biggie. But considering Val is my sweetest cuddliest bird I’d love to keep them. Thanks for the tips! I will def keep a close eye ☺️
I’d like a hen! If they end up being a roo, they’ll go live a happy life down the road at my dads farm since I can’t have Roos here, so no biggie. But considering Val is my sweetest cuddliest bird I’d love to keep them. Thanks for the tips! I will def keep a close eye ☺️
If it was a boy he would have a pretty decent sized comb at that age.🤗
I think your safe to say you have all girls!👍
Hi there! I’ve got some 9 or maybe 10 week old chicks that I’ve been *dying* to gender. Well, it’s really not that serious, but I’m excited about it and I am impatient! My two barred rocks, Negra, the first photo, and Valentina, the baby with the splint (she broke her leg but is healing quite well!) I have a feeling are hens. My Rhode Island reds, idk. I think Koala (my daughter named her) is a hen because of her small comb but the other one, who’s comb is much more red and bigger, I’m really not sure. His/her name is Pikachu (son named.) He also walks around making these little crowing noises under his breath. Luisa, my one and only Easter egger, is humongous compared to my other chicks, aggressive, and is always up in everyone’s business and likes to peck her sisters. I’m thinking either she’s a dominant hen or a roo. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Attaching photos below! Thanks y’all
The cream legbar is auto sexed so that one should be a pullet. Good luck
Valentina has dark barring which is female - the males have a light black barring. Post a pic of why you think she is a Valentino.

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