Anyone watch Top Shot on the History Channel?


8 Years
Mar 14, 2011
New England
I love this show
Anyone have a favorite for the win?
I like it but only catch it now and then. I don't really follow it enough to have a favorite.
Marksmanship tournament, they take 16 top shooters, swap in different wepons from history and have they compete. As a knife-thrower &jugglier, it's a hoot the night they get knives and everyone complains.
I do but refrain from commenting further
DVR is burning up.
Love that show! Shooting sports is big in our house! My DS made Distinguished Expert in just under 1 year!
i love that show.i DVR it so i haven't seen last nights show yet.
the challenges they put them thru is crazy.dunno how they hit those targets,but i guess thats what makes them the best.
last season ,i hated the arrogant guy(marine sniper) but at the end you had to like him for what he did.

i have seen some nice weapons on there that i would like to get someday.

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