Anyone went to Woodstock 1969? I could use your help!

I Googled 'I was at Woodstock 1969' and 'Woodstock 1969 forum' for you. The results were disappointing. Most posters said that they were too young or too busy at the time.

Many people of the Woodstock generation never got into computers or the internet so they would be difficult to contact. Bill Gates could be an exception!

Good luck.
Sorry I cant help. I was very busy at the time of Woodstock fighting the war they were protesting.


H co. 2nd Bn. 75th Rangers Camp Evans Vietnam :)
Sorry I cant help. I was very busy at the time of Woodstock fighting the war they were protesting.


H co. 2nd Bn. 75th Rangers Camp Evans Vietnam :)

So they were! I'd love to debate the comparative merits of Woodstock and that war but let's not have this well meaning thread locked because the politics of the time. People are trying their best to help the OP.
Sorry I could not help you here with Woodstock. I was not even born at that time. Neither one of my parents ever went there because it was too "risque" and glad they didn't.

I agree with above posts on the details which it matched up with the rest of the Woodstock event. There was a National Geo or History Channel on Woodstock and its an hour long. Many people looked so stoned and groping, having sex right out in the open! Police was stretched to the limits and they can not come to the rescue in a timely manner.

Correction: I was born in 65 but too young to remember Woodstock!
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Okay. Sorry. Here ya go:
Hey BYCers! I am writing a research paper on Woodstock '69 and have to include an interview. I haven't been able to find anyone who has had the awesome honor of attending the festival and was hoping someone on here has.. anyway, if you have, I have some questions.

1. If you could describe your experience at Woodstock in three words, what would they be?
Muddy, hungry and loud.
2. Did you ever get lost in the hundreds, of thousands of people?
Sort of. I didn't leave with the same folks I came with.
3. What is your most vivid memory?
This is a family site. Can't say. (I'll PM you.)
4. What was you favorite band/act during the three days?
Arlo Guthrie.
5. How was the food/bathroom/sleeping situation?
A little worse than being in combat in S.E. Asia. (i.e. Vietnam)
6. Did you go alone?
7. How old were you?
29. Recently divorced. Probably part of the reason I went.
8. Before the festival, what was it like culture-wise? (Basically, what was the counter-culture of the 60's like?)
Contrary to popular belief the "counter-culture" was just as uptight as their parents. Just on the other end of the spectrum. Most were just as intolerant of those who didn't believe like they did as the older generation.
9. What was the crowd like?
Drunk, rowdy. Just having a good time. I don't remember many fights.
10. What was the wildest thing you remember about the festival?
Again, I'll have to PM you.
11. Would you do it again?
Do you mean over or today? I wouldn't have missed it for the world, but I wouldn't want to do it again.
12. Do you think Woodstock changed America? If so, why?
No. It was just a huge, high party with lots of noise, booze and drugs.
13. How and why did you decide to go to Woodstock? How did you get there?
Seemed like a good idea at the time. We drove and arrived early. Couldn't find my ride home. (See #2.)
I might think of more questions later..I really hope someone can help me!
Hope this helps. It's all pretty fuzzy in my memory after 40 years.
LOL, anyone who actually went to Woodstock... shouldn't be able to remember it! LOL!
Huh? People in their 50s and 60s should already be senile? Some of them are running the world's largest corporations.Uh oh.

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