Anyone who lifts weights

Ok, let me start off by saying something controversial. You don't need supplements per se unless you have a diagnosed deficiency. Are you lifting to put on muscle or just to tone up? The reason being is your diet will determine if you need other vitamins. If you eat a diet composed of the paleo plan then you will get all the vitamins and minerals you require in it. The biggest detriment to muscle gain is soy and grains of all kinds.

A couple of links for you. This guy is amazing and very truthful about strength training. Lift Strong Paleo Diet

The paleo diet is what spurred me on to making wholesale changes in my strength training and over all health. I also recommend a book called "Wheat Belly" by Dr. William Davis MD. It will stun you.

Ok, let me start off by saying something controversial. You don't need supplements per se unless you have a diagnosed deficiency. Are you lifting to put on muscle or just to tone up? The reason being is your diet will determine if you need other vitamins. If you eat a diet composed of the paleo plan then you will get all the vitamins and minerals you require in it. The biggest detriment to muscle gain is soy and grains of all kinds.

A couple of links for you. This guy is amazing and very truthful about strength training. Lift Strong Paleo Diet

The paleo diet is what spurred me on to making wholesale changes in my strength training and over all health. I also recommend a book called "Wheat Belly" by Dr. William Davis MD. It will stun you.

you sound exactly like my dad! lol, no I am trying to tone myself up, well I really have no diet, and I am a little big cause I am linebacker in my football team, I was taking protein but I am already big, I just want to get a bit more defined, and it looks like I will have to start on a diet, and I can get vitamins from all the food I eat, its just I don't eat so much of food that contain all the vitamins and minerals I need. But I am still in a debate wether I should cheat and use supplement capsules, instead of doing it the hard way,
Also, I am barely going to 9th grade
and here is my overall of what workouts I do and how much I lift:
Military Press: 110
Curls: 125
reverse curls: 125
Bench press: 180-200
triceps: 85 (I barely started)
Ok, 9th grade and about 2 yrs into puberty. Right now your body is a hormone machine and you can see some amazing gains as long as you are patient and serious about your workouts and your diet. Garbage in gets Garbage out!

What you need to do to get your most out of what you eat and how you exercise.

Do core lifts. That means you work with free weights and you do these lifts. You train three days per week and a full work out should take you maybe an hour if you don't dilly dally. Train three days play three days and do nothing on Sunday. Even the Lord took Sunday off. Eat properly can not be overstated. You will get more and better protein from farm fresh eggs than you will ever get from some crap in a can. PERIOD. You need to eat very lightly during the day and I mean light. NO breads or grains of any kind. No sugars in quantity. That means NO COKE or soda. Then you can eat until you are full at the evening meal. Pile on the meats and veggies first and then add a delicious dessert in moderation and that means no you can't eat the whole quart of ice cream. But you can have some. When you are more thirsty than hungry you have hit the end of the meal. Get some good relax time in before bed but don't play any exciting videos or speed metal. You want your body to wind down and start the digestion rebuilding process so that you can GROW STRONG! You want to do this and be serious about it then you do it. You have to be a good record keeper or you won't know where you need to go and what you need to change. In all of these exercises you start out on day one with a empty Olympic bar. So your progress is really quick in the beginning but don't worry you are learning FORM and the weight is of no importance other than to train your form.

In order of importance:

1. Squats. Real squats where you go below your knees and your butt touches the back of your ankles. Look at the video of the guy on the stronglifts website. Don't worry about weight at this stage as you want to have a seriously good technique and if you don't have a great technique you will do more damage than good. Five sets of Five reps. First two sets are warm up and should be done at 60 and 70 percent of your max lift for 3 reps. So your max lift weight will be determined by how much you can do with 3 reps AND with great form *(Sloppy will get you hurt and is VERY bad). Then you go to your last weight that you could do five great form reps and add 2.5lbs to each side and try to get two sets of five great form reps. You can rest for 1 minute between sets to let your muscles regroup and reload. You don't train to failure, you train to win. So we go slow on the down and as fast as we can on the up and still have great form and be in control. Breath in on the down and out on the up.

2. Dead lifts. Form is most important so that you get the most out of the exercise. No you don't try to touch the back of your head to the floor so no crazy bending of the back. Use a 1x5 routine on this exercise as it is pretty grueling for you. You will have different weights for each lift of course as you can most certainly out squat a deadlift.

3. Barbell rows. Remember! Form and then heavy. You will see amazing lats and back and your tris will be sweet.

4. Bench press. Works the other side of the Barbell row. And I am sure you know how to do them properly. Right?

5. Overhead press. This is your last movement and you should read this article (overhead press how to) to understand how it works.

Go get 'em!
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