Anyone with Kids...

(Let's not turn this thread into a traditional gender roles soapbox. It's cool that you took that path for yourself, but not everyone wants to or is able to. It's just good in general to make sure your children are in good, safe, aware and iNFORMED hands, whether that is mom, dad, grandma, or a trusted neighbor or friend).


also. I have seen SAHMs do what happened with Aslyn. "Just running on for a second" ah ha. No excuse

Hooligan- my condolences to your family. She was a cute little girl. The fact that the woman who did this was not charged with anything makes me ill.
Rhett&SarahsMom :

The fact that the woman who did this was not charged with anything makes me ill.

Agreed. That's digusting...
I read this post before going to bed last night and I thought about it as I went to sleep.

I woke up this morning and went to the website. Your family is strong and my heart hurts for them and what they went through. You should be proud that they are working to make a difference in this world after their tragedy.
hooligan, first I would like to say I am very sorry for your families loss. She was a beautiful little girl. It is very sad that you trust someone with the most important thing in your life and they don't treat them so.

This story should also send the message out to parents, that it is a good idea for mom's to stay home with their kids. I love the fact that I can stay home with mine, knowing they are safe with me makes me happy. My oldest daughter b-day is Feb. 7th.

Thechickcrew, it would be wonderful if every mother or father could stay home with the children, but most of the time both parents have to work. I am lucky. I stay home with my son. Yes, things are starting to get rough. My dh wants me to get a job during the day while he is at work. I tried to explain to him. I could only get a $8 hr job. Then I would have to pay a babysitter and pay for the gas. I would end up not making much after that. Plus, he would not have me home all day doing all the yard work, feeding the animals, and doing the house work. I do work part time during the winter in the evenings for a couple of months. He watches our son, so I feel a lot better about working. I just don't trust people watching my son. I rather know what he is watching, eating, and more important how he is being treated. There are great babysitter out there. It is just hard to find them.

Your daughter shares my birthday. Garth Brooks was also born on Feb. 7.​
My sister is the strongest person I know, she has gone thru alot in her life and yet gives so much. And believe me if there was any way in the world they could have made it with her not working and staying home with Aslyn, she would have. I had never seen someone so happy around a child as my sister was.
Thank you for all your kind words.
I'm so sorry for your family's loss. The baby-sitter should have been charged with manslaughter at the very least, I hope your sister and BIL are effective in changing the law in Hawaii. This sort of thing seems to happen every year here in Texas, but the adults (parents usually) are generally charged.

She looks like she was a beautiful child, I'm so sorry.
Touching...good for them trying to educate people. My thoughts go out to them.

You know it is great for those that can stay home with their kids, but there are still doc appts ect that you cannot take your children to. (Hickam Airforce Base Family Practice you can only take the kids if they have an appt.) So if you have to go to the doctor or whatever else that kids can't go to you still have to find a sitter.

You know at one point in time it made me feel a bit better getting a sitter that was approved through the Navy's referal system but after reading some things it was just as scary. Being a military family often leaves you stationed in places where you DON'T have any family so you have to rely on someone else. It really is nerve-racking.

I too am appalled that there were no charges brought against her. If she was a military spouse I sure hope for others sake that she was never allowed to provide childcare through the any military networks.
I am so sorry for your families loss. She was such a beautiful little girl. I am a stay at home mother, and I have never had a baby sitter other than my mother and that is only when I need to grab a shower or have a short break with my son. No other facilities in our area will take care of a child with the medical needs my son has, nor would I want them too.

I do also understand that many families have to have 2 incomes. In this day and age with things as costly as they are I hate to think that so many mothers HAVE to work just in order to make ends meet even though they want to be able to stay home and raise their children. I am so fortunate to be in a position where I can stay at home with my son and occasionally work from home with my degree. And never would I criticize another mother who had to make the decision for a sitter.

I can also sympathize with those mothers who have to trust someone else to take care of their babies while they go off to work. I know how hard it is to leave your child with someone else to go to a job. When my son was born I was still finishing up a college degree, I was on my last semester, and had to leave my son with my mother until my husband got home an hour later. Even though it was my own mom watching him, I was so scared that he would need me and I would not be there for him.

Your entire family is in my thoughts and prayers.

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