Anything you fill like talking about, come on let it out!!!

I am a teenage girl and I am NEVER bored. There's always something to do if you have chickens! My hobby is now taking chicken pictures, that keeps me busy when all the chicken work is done!

I can never understand how other teenagers could be so "bored". I have a friend who is CONSTANTLY complaining of her boredom when she visits, and someday it will drive me mad. How can she not see all the things there are to do?

Ha! the real solution to global teenage boredom epidemics is.....


the was trilogy of uglies was totally awesome! it is now um im not sure what they call it when its 4 books. a series? idk. but u should all read it. uglies,pretties,specials,and extras

Yah, I've read all but the 4th. Apparently, it isn't really part of the same story line. I also love the Midnighters and Peeps
well yeah. it skips ahead a bit more where society has changed. u would have to read it to get it so i wont even attempt to explain.

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