Anyway to insure a friendly chick?

In my experience, it has everything to do with frequent, gentle handling, as well as hand feeding--starting as early in their lives as possible. Regardless of the breed or gender, that's the ticket. But you must be 100% consistent in order to build that perfect trust. And it's important to start as early as possible, so they grow up seeing us as friends, protectors and a source of all things wonderful.

We have five roosters, of different breeds, and 22 hens. Every single one of them is a sweetheart. Even the roosters are "lap chickens". We can handle any bird in our flock with no problem. Even if they are injured or sick, they trust us implicitly.

In our experience, such sweethearts are made, not born.

It's true that some breeds (buff orpingtons, for example) are more receptive and affectionate by nature. But we've yet to meet a bird of any breed that hasn't responded to consistent kindness, if started young. We even had one six-year-old wild rooster join our flock. When he first arrived, he was so scared of humans that he ran and hid.

It took us over a year, but now he's a lap chicken, too.

You can do it, too!
Being a first time chicken mama I have tried to handle them all since the day we received them, some like it more than others. However I must say that my light brahmas are more friendly than my buff orps or black astralorps. But even the cockerels light to sit with me, I think it's about spending time and picking them up getting them used to you and what not. Good luck!
Thanks everybody! I went out to the coop today with my 2 little kids and we played with all the chickens. My 6 year old can pick up out polish hen and it is so cute! Even my 2 year year old can get close enough to touch her.

We took the 2 & 3 week olds out of the brooder and played with them too. They are so adorable!

Yes Sunny_Side_Up I really think you are right. I own a rabbitry and I know that some rabbits are just more friendly than others.

I really hope some of these newbies will really warm up to us.
I love them chickens so much..... I know I will never have another Autumn, but I just want a few that seem to like us.
There are certain chickens I reeaally cuddle with. Let them rub under my chin and really hug. These ones always seem to stay that way. There are a few different breeds I have that are cuddly and friendly like this. My sizzle Wendy and My 2 little Seremas. The EE's I hatched from Halo are all unbelievably friendly.
We have 4 Barred Rocks, and have handled them and cuddled with them from day 1 (they were 3 days old when we got them). We're now on about 8 weeks.

We give them small amounts of treats when we do the cuddling, and 3 of them are VERY tame...the 4th is a bit smaller than the others and is NOT as tame....we try to give her more attention and treats, but it seems it's just her nature to be a bit "reluctant" to be held or cuddled, tho she's crazy about treats! (Broccoli and bits of spaghetti). She's the one who's the "escape artist" too, when we open the coop door.

Just our experience. Some are just more inclined to be "pets" than others, even of the same breed.
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