Apparently it didn't work, Now I've got a problem...

I think I understand what your going though. I had like 5 broodies at one time this summer. They kept swapping nests so I tried to keeep the eggs that would hatch sooner under the girls that had been sitting the longest. Onne of them was a Delaware and others were White Jersey giants and an EE. Well one WJG and the De sat at roughly the same time so when a chick started to hatched my De Charlotte was to be the proud momma. Well that didn't go well at all. She ripped the shell open and pulled the baby out and killed it. I knew then she wasn't going to be a good momma. I took all the eggs left under her and threw her out of the nest. (Not throw but pushed her out) I think she knew she didn't want to sit any longer cause she went back to her chicken duties. I was sad but I hope she never goes broody again for that reason. I just had an Ee chicken and a red star broody and they wanted to share a nest. I kept separating them but they kept pulling their eggs in the same box. Unfortunately all the eggs got cracked by all this moving and fighting over. So I went to buy a couple chicks for them. I tried at nighttime to put them under the EE and she pecked them. So I put her back in the other coop and brought my red star Momma over and she started clucking as soon as she heard the babies. She was my 1st broody last year and very good Momma that is why the name momma stayed because she is a truely good mom.

I sure hope it works out for you and your broody. I think I may try to break Goldie from being broody. It may not happen like it happened here but be leary of it. Or just maybe give her a couple eggs to hatch, but mark them if she stays in with the other chickens.

Good luck and sorry I didn't see ur original thread. I broke my foot so have had other things going on here, but I sure hope it goes well.

Dang bird is still sitting on the wooden eggs!
I tried taking all the wooden eggs out, but she will just move over to another box where "todays eggs" have been laid by the other girls.
So I gave the wooden eggs back to her, and she stays on them, instead of moving from one box to the next.

She does occaisionally, (but rarely), leave the nesting box, and eat/drink.
She has not laid a single egg in over a month now.
This behaviour started on/or about, 10/2 or 10/4, it is now 11/10 and she's still there.
I'm just hoping she'll decide her "Motherly instincts" are futile, and give it up someday.

Also,... We are down to only getting 3 eggs a day, from the other 5 girls.
We were averaging 5 to 6 a day, up until about 2 to 3 weeks ago.

The broody BO, IS sitting in the center box, (of the 3 nesting boxes available,
and I'm wondering if maybe she gets all sassy with the other girls, and runs them off?

The boxes are all divided, and they can not see each other when sitting in boxes side by side...

Did you try what someone suggested in this thread...? Put them in a cage near her, where she can't harm them, to see if her mothering instict will get triggered (and still protect the babies). That seemed like a good idea, but I really don't know... ?
I know so many on here do chicks seperately... and maybe it is because I'm a mama and haven't had that long with chickens, but having a regular chicken mom for chickens seems like a happier chickhood for the babies.
IF it can be accomplished without harm to the chicks of course.
I feel for you. What a terrible time for normally easy chickens to give you trouble. Wish I could help. I am sorry the forums advice sometimes forgets the detail needed for newbies. Please forgive the few frustrated-with-newbies voices you hear.

I second the motion for moving broody hen to a wire bottom cage/hutch if you have access to one. The inability to build up heat under them does seem to break them of the habit. Also the other hens will not be afflicted by her company.

Sorry about the chickies, I am somewhat surprised a BYC'r from your neighborhood hasn't volunteered to take them. Could you try listing them as free under the Chicks 1 Day to 8 Weeks Old - For Sale section of the forum? Or on CraigsList?

I hope your family is bearing up well. Good luck to you!

It sounds like your girl is very persistant. Remember my EE that wa sharing the nest with my Red Star. Well the eggs they were sitting on weren't viable so I went out and bought 2 little cochin/silkie mix chicks (I think so anyways) I tried to give 1 to each girl and the EE pecked hers. Well I tried like 3 times and she didn't change so I gave both to the Red Star. I thought she would give up but since there was one more egg that I found I gave her. It wound up going bad so I again went out and bought 2 more chicks to giver her (this was like 2 weeks later) she pecked them to so I didn't know what to do, it was starting to get a little chilly out so I had hoped she would take them but she wouldn't so I gave those to the red star and she accepted them 2 weeks after the 1st ones. Well. I then thought that she was just to smart and wouldn't accept chicks that she didnt hatch herself so I gave her like 2 more eggs and guess what they weren't viable either. So I just decided that I would open her pen door and hoped she would just give up. She sat on top of my red star Momma and her 4 babies cage. This lasted for about 1 week or so. Finally I just put her out with the rest of the flock and tha she was on a nest for probably 2 months or more. She has thankfully given up and now acting like a chicken again.

Is there a way to get some baby chicks to put under her.

Oh and BTW your setup is absolutely awesome.

Well guess what ,....
I had forgotten that I had started THIS thread, and I had written an update on my original "Broody Orpington" Thread.
I just wanted to give you all an update if you missed it in the other thread, and were subscribed to This thread instead...
I didn't mean to make this confusing,
and thank you for everyones suggestions.

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