April 2024 hatch-a-long

Thinking about Martha's situation...if chicks hatch, there is a short drop from the nest box to the coop floor. I could add some fresh straw under the A-frame roost, chick waterer, Martha, any chicks, and put a barrier in front. See photo, below.

I don't want to do anything to upset Martha or hurt chicks, but I also want to keep them safe.

Would it be better to move her before or after a hatch?

This is the A-frame roost. I already blocked off one end in anticipation.
Thinking about Martha's situation...if chicks hatch, there is a short drop from the nest box to the coop floor. I could add some fresh straw under the A-frame roost, chick waterer, Martha, any chicks, and put a barrier in front. See photo, below.

I don't want to do anything to upset Martha or hurt chicks, but I also want to keep them safe.

Would it be better to move her before or after a hatch?
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This is the A-frame roost. I already blocked off one end in anticipation.
I love that a frame! Not sure what’s best to move Martha before or after, I’ve never done a full hatch with a broody before! I would think maybe after they hatch? Will moving her before they hatch increase the likelihood of her abandoning the nest? Good luck to you, she’s a gorgeous hen!
I love that a frame! Not sure what’s best to move Martha before or after, I’ve never done a full hatch with a broody before! I would think maybe after they hatch? Will moving her before they hatch increase the likelihood of her abandoning the nest? Good luck to you, she’s a gorgeous hen!
I'm trying to not second guess myself. Part of me wants to do something, but I think at this point it's better to not change her environment.

The A-frame roost was an idea I came up with while sitting with my new chicks. Here's the build post:
I'm trying to not second guess myself. Part of me wants to do something, but I think at this point it's better to not change her environment.

The A-frame roost was an idea I came up with while sitting with my new chicks. Here's the build post:
I love this and that you used pallets! I always see my local feed store just giving these away, I need to get some and make something like this for my flock!
got both my incubators up and running and finally set last night. Late spring snow had me a bit behind. Set 23 white Plymouth Rock, 23 from my marans hens (currently in my Ameraucana and Marans mixed pen so chance of OE) and 38 from my Ameraucana hens (again chance of OE). Going to grow out some for myself and sell others and extra boys go to freezer camp. Excited about getting underway for the year.


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I had a peek at my eggs, even though it's only been a few days. I could see 3 out of 4 under my broody hen have started, don't know why I candled the incubator already being a day behind but I could see 1 for sure developing and another 5 look promising

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