April Fools 2016 - New Development: Chicken Feed That Changes Egg Shell Color!

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Yes, flamingos get their pink color from the pink shrimp they eat. Salmon do too. And yes, chickens seem to enjoy eating anything fishy [or just eating anything...]. And afterall, shrimp aren't so distantly related from insects! I'm sure they'd love them.

Call me when the violet eggshell inducing feed comes out!
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This is really exciting in the poultry industry right now, especially since brown eggs can bring in more money than white. I've heard that a lot of the major eggs farms will be transitioning to this new feed! (And it's a fully balanced, natural feed!)

I keep finding people who won't touch brown eggs!

'Cause you know... "Eggs only come in white, carrots only come in orange, tomatoes only come in red, cows can only be white with black spots... I don't know what animal this brown cow-like thing is."
Does it have dyes in it that cause the egg color change? It doesnt sound natural does it hurt the hens?
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If any one wants to buy this feed I would highly suggest selling your chickens, buying cheap eggs at the grocery store and dying them with food coloring. Also remember store eggs have shells so thin that they will break on contact with boiling water.
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Names for the white egg color changing feed:

Layers' Rainbow

Pastel Palette for Layers

Colorbox for Egg Production Hens
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