April Fools 2016 - New Development: Chicken Feed That Changes Egg Shell Color!

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In my own opinion, this is completely ridiculous, why do we have different breeds then to supply a different shade of egg?? If you want pink, blue, or green, then get Easter eggers or the true breeds that supply that color naturally. Idk, call me crazy, but isn't that the fun of having different breeds?? I don't want genetically modified ones by the feed I give them, but by the breed that they are naturally!!
:frow this was an April Fool's joke.
I was up late, searching for answers on why my chickens egg colors were changing& came a crossed this thread. Guess I was too sleepy when i read this...I clearly see the APRIL FOOLS JOKE this morning...lol
One of my EEs lays eggs that range from green to blue to gray. From what I've read, that is not supposed to happen, but I have seen it firsthand. We used to have a Partridge Rock who started out laying brown and suddenly changed to creamy off-white. And this is no April Fool's joke! ;-)
One of my EEs lays eggs that range from green to blue to gray. From what I've read, that is not supposed to happen, but I have seen it firsthand. We used to have a Partridge Rock who started out laying brown and suddenly changed to creamy off-white. And this is no April Fool's joke! ;-)

I have read a few accounts where Easter Egger eggs Colors can vary day today. Mine kind of does that too. One of them lays a brown egg, one of them lays a light greenish blue-ish egg, and the other ones a varies from cream to light brown to grey-ish.
One of my EEs lays eggs that range from green to blue to gray. From what I've read, that is not supposed to happen, but I have seen it firsthand. We used to have a Partridge Rock who started out laying brown and suddenly changed to creamy off-white. And this is no April Fool's joke! ;-)

Now, this one makes sense actually, the blue is in the shell it's self, if you crack a blue egg, the inside of the shell is blue, a green egg is painted green on the way out, if you crack a green egg it's white inside. So, sounds like your color changing girl lays a blue egg, but then she paints them green, probably greener at the beginning of her laying cycle and bluer at the end, same theory as marans eggs being super dark at the beginning of the cycle and slowly fading over the year before darkening back up after molting, they seem to "run out of toner" over time.
All 5 of my girls laid yesterday, which was the first time that they all laid on the same day. So it was the first time that I could tell who laid what with certainty. But yesterday, I got a blue egg! They were always like a khaki color & army green. The army green one is always blue on the inside. So naturally I thought that it was the same egg. But once I cracked it, it was white on the inside! I now know who laid what. But I never knew that their egg color could change this much! I tried to post pics, but it's not letting me :( Anyone know why they change colors?
All 5 of my girls laid yesterday, which was the first time that they all laid on the same day. So it was the first time that I could tell who laid what with certainty. But yesterday, I got a blue egg! They were always like a khaki color & army green. The army green one is always blue on the inside. So naturally I thought that it was the same egg. But once I cracked it, it was white on the inside! I now know who laid what. But I never knew that their egg color could change this much! I tried to post pics, but it's not letting me
Anyone know why they change colors?

The army green one is actually olive, olive is produced by putting brown "paint" on a blue egg as you have found. Blue is all the way through the shell, green and brown are painted on top of the shell. the "blue" one with a white inside shell you found today is most likely actually green, some green layers will make a kind of minty blueish egg even though they are technically green. So, sounds like you have blue, brown AND green egg genetics in your girls, the ones making the olive ones are brown and blue, the khaki is just brown on a white shell, and the "blue" with a white shell is a green (most likely). Could the blue/green egg girl be laying for the first time? So you haven't ever seen eggs from her before?
No, they've all laid before. They all have had their own distinctive shell colors which is how I knew who was laying what. But then they decided to change their colors to mess me up ;) The one that turned the "bluish" color used to be a shade of green/khaki with speckles. Funny, bc we named her as a chick, Speckles! The army green egg (olive) has now turned to a grey or sometimes light khaki. I really wish this app would let me upload my pictures. It's still refusing to let me :( Thanks for everyone's input!
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