APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

Hey everybody. Just checking in. Reading everybody's posts and seeing all the pictures make waiting soooo much more difficult. My first batch is due on the 18th and consists of about ten black austrolorps and four dozen mutts. I had some serama eggs due the 14th but unfortunately looks like two never started and two others were early quitters. At the moment I have about 150 eggs in the bator but they are staggered.
My turkey egg that pipped yesterday early hadn't made any progress, & had been well over 24 hrs. So I pulled it to assist a little. Was pulling little peices of shell when the shell pulled the membrane with it and it started bleeding!! I stopped there and freed its beak, wrapped it in a wet paper towel and stuck it back in the bator. I was being super slow and easy. Would the membrane have been stuck to the inside of the shell?

it's fine...you did good...I would have had a look by now too
this is how I feel...I have to check and help if needed...
they pip when they need air not because they are ready to hatch...turkey and waterfowl pip internally and externally long before they are ready to hatch...turkey can be tricky so your doing great!!
I'm having a problem with humidity at the moment, I can't seem to get it above 30% so I think i'll struggle during lockdown. I have the bottom tray filled with water and it still isn't enough, will adding a sponge help? I can take photos if needed.

30% is actually fine
I do the dry hatch so I don't add water unless the humidity goes below 25%
when you need to raise it you can add blobs of wet paper towel some add a bowl of water...just depends on what kind of room you have in there....I've known some that spray water through the vent hole a little all along!
WOW allot has happened since the last time I posted!

Congrats on all the successful hatches

I candled mine a couple of nights ago and out of 47 I have 17 developing. I know not good but considering that my friend (who I got the eggs from) has only 3 bantam roosters in with 40+ LF hens, I think that is pretty darn good. Now if I can keep those 17 alive to hatch
One thing I noticed that I dealt with is the holes where cords thread thru. I wrapped some batting around those and my humidity rose about 5%. I also had a red plug that I had to re-seat.
this. Humidity would go up a lot with increased surface area of the water exposed to the air. Perhaps it is SO humid in there, the air is no longer able to become more humid, that would be 100% and inviting drowned chicks and bacterial contamination of yolk sacs as possibilities

Oh god, upon reading this I've emptied it of water and I'll let it run dry for 24 hours or something.

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