APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

Out of 49 put on lockdown yesterday I woke up to 4 lively chicks running around and 2 external pips but they are on the sides below the air cell. I've never had this happen before and they are from eggs I got from a few different chicken people near me. I've made sure they are turned up and both are alive so far, I hope they make it. I candled and seen a few more internal pips, they are for the HAL and not due to hatch until Saturday. Out of the 4 they are 1 SS, 2 EE and a BYM. The little SS is the cutest one I've hatched yet and I'm sure it's a boy the way it's running around acting all crazy.

After inspecting the 15 chicks hatched earlier over half are pullets if the fast feathering that I had last year shows true this year. Makes me very happy as most of the BLRW are pullets and SS. I won't be stuck with so many roos like I had last year.
Well I believe I have come to the end of this first incubation hatch. I understand it's siren song and addictive properties~
I originally set 17 eggs. 1 was clear at day 14. On day 20 I got a few pips and 1 Black Amerucana hatched during a bad humidity fluctuation. He was born a little sticky, but is the bad boy of the bunch now. Hatched 6 on the morning of the 21st day during great humidity and all were terriffic, especially my little blondie. Then came more humidity problems, and 3 more hatched. Last little Amerucana had membrane issues and I had to assist. There are directions for it here somewhere and they were WAY helpful.
So in the end, we have 11 out of 17. I have left the last 5 eggs in. All 3 Marans seem to be infertile- I never saw movement in those but could barely see the air sac so I figured- what the heck? Candled the other two and I can see and pretty well formed chick in each but no movement. My guess is they died in lock-down. I'll leave those in today and then clean everything out.
Thanks for all the help and encouragment. Good luck with all the still unhatched chickies out there. Til next time :jumpy
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Thanks for your report Leavingegypt. Farewell! Don't know if you'll see this, but in any case, we appreciate the final results before you go. Thanks for sharing your experience with us. :)

Yep, some chicks can be slow. From pip to zip can take not much time at all, to 24 hours & more sometimes! I find that lockdown is the hardest time of all in this process. Best wishes to all who are going thru this now. :D

There is info here on leg issues somewhere...good luck with that little one! :)
Update at a day old on our 6 French wheaten Maran chicks.

All are doing great. They are eating and drinking, scurrying and doing all sorts of chickie things. No leg problems- I am sort of amazed at that. I did find out how important humidity is during lock down. And it's called a LOCK-DOWN for a reason. Opening that lid, even for a pretty good reason can have bad effects. All is well. Don't tell my husband, but I know I will be doing this again. Bahahahahahaha!
Day 18, lockdown. Hard to candle the dark Marans eggs, but I tried 2 of the 9 aren't very dark, the other 7 are very dark in contrast with the air pocket. After carefully candling and setting on their sides, I could hear faint peeping. Is that normal for day 18?
I've had issues with calibrating my temps, I fear I may be a degree or two high, and I understand sometimes that can accelerate hatching by a day or two...
All are doing great. They are eating and drinking, scurrying and doing all sorts of chickie things. No leg problems- I am sort of amazed at that. I did find out how important humidity is during lock down. And it's called a LOCK-DOWN for a reason. Opening that lid, even for a pretty good reason can have bad effects. All is well. Don't tell my husband, but I know I will be doing this again. Bahahahahahaha!
So true! :lol: Yep, you're hooked! ;)
Day 18, lockdown. Hard to candle the dark Marans eggs, but I tried 2 of the 9 aren't very dark, the other 7 are very dark in contrast with the air pocket. After carefully candling and setting on their sides, I could hear faint peeping. Is that normal for day 18? I've had issues with calibrating my temps, I fear I may be a degree or two high, and I understand sometimes that can accelerate hatching by a day or two...
I believe the faint peeping means the chicks(s) have pipped the air cell. I've heard that too about temps being a bit too high, will hatch chicks early. Marans are also notorious for hatching late - right up to day 24 or 25. Chicks have a hard time hatching thru the thick shells. :fl for you! I candled all the eggs from one unit & so far, so good. All still alive. :) I'm due to candle the other unit tomorrow. Doing my first dry hatch in that one. Had lousy hatches previously in it.
Just got home and two of the Dominique chicks have hatched and one is already dry! Do I take the dry one out and put it in the brooder or wait?

Happy dance!!!!

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