April Hatch Thread--Come Join Us!


10 Years
May 18, 2010
This is for anyone hatching during the month of April!

I have 52 eggs dur April 6th:
6 Basque
10 Basque mix
12 Barred Orps
12 JG
12 Dark Cornish!

I'll join this one too. I have a broody sitting on three eggs that are due on the 3rd. This is the first time for her so I really hope she gets some chicks. She is so determined. In the Sportsman I have:

Jumbo Quail due on the 6th
My own Serama and a silkie egg all due on the 9th
Dark Brahma
Lav. AM's
and SFH all due on the 4th

In the mail to me now are 2 different sets of Lav. Orp eggs so it looks like I will be setting those Thursday or Friday depending on when they get here.
Set 26 more OEGB eggs for a friend this morning and when I get home gonna fill the bator out with more mallard eggs from the nest I found over the weekend. So that puts hatching at the 10th and 18th.
i guess i will be joining this one to looking into to some cream legbar eggs already have a young pair out of greenfire farm stock so will be getting some eggs soon and along with them i will be setting some americuanas and standard chochins so will see u all around
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I set 13 eggs in my octagon 20 eco yesterday! This is my first incubator hatch!

Good luck to everyone!
I have a mix of 4 hens with a Crested cream legbar cockerel.

The first one is a hybrid but not sure what?!?

I then have two wellsummers and I think the last one must be Lohmann Brown Hybrid(thats what it looks like and lays big brown eggs so im assuming its that)

This is the Cream lebar cockerel that has been with them for a month.

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