April-may hatch along all are welcome ^-^

Ahah that's unfortunate at least h got one, but he not gonna have any other brothers and sisters
and how many did u buy, plus any pics of candling of either ducks or chick
i bought 10 rode islands and only one is fertile :'(
Hi everyone! !! I have 2 hatches going right now for early May. 24 bantam SLW amd 24 Ameraucanas and in the other bator more Ameraucanas (lavender and BBS. And some of our own - OR, Buff Orp, and aracona/Maran/orp mix.
Hi! I have an April hatch going, now on day 20, with some rockers but no cheeping yet. This is only my second hatch, and my first was a success, every egg that was fertile was able to hatch on its own, and only had one chick with a disability that I needed to cull. I set 24 eggs this time: 8 have been infertile or quit it the early stages. Here are the babies I'm expecting: 5 Easter eggers (cop mar and buff Americana mixes), 3 Isbars, 1 silver-laced wyandotte, 1 Copper Mar, 1 wheaten mar, 3 English lav Orps, and one eng lav Orp in a blue egg?
I'll post updates as I can. So great to see what's happening with other hatches!
I set 2 peafowl eggs under a Buff Japanese hen on 4-21 and both are viable!
Also setting another 8 or 9 tonight if I can find some broody hens.


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