Ar chickens useful in case of a Zombie Apocalypse?


7 Years
Jun 23, 2012
Graham Wa
Somebody had to start this eventually...

Being prepared for the zombie apocalypse means having what it takes to survive. I think Chickens are a must have for anyone trying to prep for such an event. It would seem to me that they really could go about feeding themselves and the eggs/meat would be a life saver. The only downsides I can think of are #1 How do you know if you have a zombie chicken? #2 Would they make too much noise(thus drawing flesh eating zombies straight to your precious hens).
In the Walking Dead Series.

Zombies love chicken.

My plan- I have 5 chicken, so I might make it 5 blocks.

It's going to be zombie chickens created by mutant bird flu rising up to eat our brains. So those of us with birds will be first on the menu.

My hens have been getting in some early taste testing lately in the guise of missing the treats in my hand. Oh! It's to late for me, save yourselves!

The sound of "buk buk buguk" drifts through the air. The rooster calls them to battle. I can hear the pecking, pecking upon the door.

Peck peck peck ..............

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