Aracauna blue egg gene question?


11 Years
Aug 13, 2012
how does the blue egg gene work?
If a breed a female aracuana with a silkie boy will all the offspring carry the blue egg gene or only some? Will all the males carry the blue egg gene? and if i then breed all the cross babies together will the resulting babies all lay blue/ green egg?
If I’m not mistaken, it would be much like the Ameraucana/ EE situation.
I believe they would all have the blue egg gene present, but the color of the eggs from the offspring could vary.
To my knowledge, it would not be a gender thing.
The Oocyan Blue egg shell mutation is Autosomal incomplete dominant, Araucanas, Ameraucanas, Cream Legbars and Isbars have two copies of the mutation(O/O), when outcrossed to non-blue egg shell chicken(o+/o+) All of the progeny Will be O/o+, if you cross the progeny together You Will have 25% chace of getting o+/o+, 25% O/O and 50% chance of O/o+
The Oocyan Blue egg shell mutation is Autosomal incomplete dominant, Araucanas, Ameraucanas, Cream Legbars and Isbars have two copies of the mutation(O/O), when outcrossed to non-blue egg shell chicken(o+/o+) All of the progeny Will be O/o+, if you cross the progeny together You Will have 25% chace of getting o+/o+, 25% O/O and 50% chance of O/o+
Thanks so much; you explain very clearly. Am I right in thinking that the mutation for a crest is also autosomal incomplete dominant? And do you know if crest is wild type, and what the standard symbol for it is?
Thanks so much; you explain very clearly. Am I right in thinking that the mutation for a crest is also autosomal incomplete dominant? And do you know if crest is wild type, and what the standard symbol for it is?
Crest is not wildtype because it is not found on the Red Jungle Fowl or any other Jungle Fowl, it's. Autosmal in nature and it's represented as Cr, where the recessive wildtype is cr+
thank you :thumbsup

and incomplete? I ask because all the chicks that have hatched here with a crested SFH roo have full crests if mum also is crested and small crests if mum isn't. But it's a small sample (10) so maybe just coincidence...?

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