Araucana Laying BROWN Eggs ???

x2. confine her and see what happens...

She's not saying that she's got an ee and its not laying the blue/green egg.... but that the previously constant blue/green egg is no longer, but brown now...
The same thing happened to me. Green eggs for over a year, and suddenly Brown for the last three weeks
The same thing happened to me. Green eggs for over a year, and suddenly Brown for the last three weeks
I have an Aracauna cross which started out laying blue eggs but after a break of a couple of months (!) she has begun laying brown ones. Really trying to understand the biology of this and if I can do anything to make her revert to blue?
Right, it was a bit confusing, but I was agreeing with the PP who stated this, not trying to contradict. I was just explaining that, although PP thought she had an Auracana, she really has an Easter Egger.

OP, I wonder if your girls were molting, that's why they weren't laying, and now are starting laying again. I have found a few threads on here where an EE has switched from laying blue to brown after a stress or molt.

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