Araucana thread anyone?

Asking all the Araucana people, is this breed prone to compacted poo as chicks? I have a 2 day old who had a hard white poo the size of a large pea blocking up its vent.
I noticed the chick straining to go and the vent was very swollen. It had pushed so hard that the vent was actually tearing a bit. I put it in a warm bath up to its waist and then used a qtip with coconut oil to dab the vent hoping the poo would soften and come out. It was so solid that I eventually had to carefully break it apart with tweezers and pull it out. Poor little thing. It's very swollen still. I cleaned it really well and applied another dab of coconut oil. I have never had this happen before and when I tried looking it up, everyone I found with the same issue was an Araucana chick. Is it coincidence, or a known issue?
you can add some acv in their water.
Hi everyone! Decided to subscribe to this thread since I just hatched out 10 araucanas with one to go still in the incubator. They are my son's 4h show birds. From what I can tell I only have one double tufted/ rumpless out of the bunch but we've all got to start somewhere. I'll post some pictures later. I love seeing everyone else's pictures!
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Hi everyone! Decided to subscribe to this thread since I just hatched out 10 araucanas with one to go still in the incubator. They are my son's 4h show birds. From what I can tell I only have one double tufted/ rumpless out of the bunch but we've all got to start somewhere. I'll post some pictures later. I love seeing everyone else's pictures!
congrats! please post some pics

Here are a few of them. It's impossible to get all of them to stand



This is my little tufted munchkin. Out of 9 araucana chicks, only one tufted. They're so darn cute!
hi guys! I'm new to this but decided I wanted araucanas. so as always got the cart before the horse, and now have 36 araucana eggs in the incubator. due to hatch this weekend, but we had a power outage and they were without heat for 8 hours. I'm not expecting much. but this is my second try. are araucanas hard to raise or is it me.
It took me over 2 years to get the flock I wanted. So worth it! I raise the duck wing large fowl variety. Here is a pic of one breeding group and some of my chicks that just hatched.


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