Araucana thread anyone?

Beth, its funny that the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. I've always been jealous that CT doesn't have state income tax. Is that still true?
I checked my cert, and it says my birds are free from Pullorum Typhoid and negative for avian influenza.
Hope that helps.

Rumbull, where do you live? I'd be happy to take your culls.
Beth G. :

I hear you!! I have to pay a dollar a bird every three months to do the 2 different A.I. tests and the S. Pullorum test. I have 300+ birds but only 160 breeders but, if you do the math 4x160= 640!!!!!!

In Georgia, the Georgia Poultry Lab,, will test up to 300 birds for free. Going to have mine tested soon. They will also give them any shots they need to control disease too.​
Ohhh yes we do!! We have a HIGH Income Tax
Our Gov. Malloy just decided to raise our State Income Taxes going back to Jan 1, 2011 on August 15, 2011 which means we will be payina almost double state taxes from 8/15/2011 to the end of the year

As if my paycheck wasn't small enough!!!

I'd rather live in Any State but, CT!!!

That is good that your State does it for free for both


You all are sooooo lucky!!! Maybe I should move there
Then again I kinda hate the heat so maybe I'll think about moving up North or Something like that. I need my winters, Fall with leaf peeping, and my ocean for fishing. Got any Idea's?
I hear you!! I have to pay a dollar a bird every three months to do the 2 different A.I. tests and the S. Pullorum test. I have 300+ birds but only 160 breeders but, if you do the math 4x160= 640!!!!!!

In Georgia, the Georgia Poultry Lab,, will test up to 300 birds for free. Going to have mine tested soon. They will also give them any shots they need to control disease too.
It's been "BUSY" here
I haven't had as much time to post photos or heck, even take photo's. During the heat, I was just keeping up with keeping them cool then it turned cooler finally and I had a bunch of chicks sold, just waiting for it to be safe to ship so I finally got caught up.

Today, a 4H leader from Jefferson City area came down and I gave the kids some hatching eggs and 3 rumpless chicks to give them a start and for their leader Steve and his wife (I didn't catch her name) to teach the kids about them. They hope to hatch some that are tufted so they can show them. They went to the State Fair here in Missouri and there wasn't a single Araucana shown or any breeders. I hope that will change next year. They had a lot of fun, petting Buddy the tom Turkey, looking at the other animals here and playing with my poodle Sophie who was showing off for them. They wanted "all" of the puppies too,
Of course! what kid doesn't love puppied
They are the next generation of poultry protection here. My old Texas Heeler, Sam, is getting older and needed a pup to raise and teach the ropes. I was on a waiting list for the past year for another Texas Heeler and it didn't happen so I bought a female Heeler and bred her to a good, working Australian Shepherd dog so these pups are called Texas Heelers.

I also sent the kids home with a trio of Serama chicks so they left all happy and Steve surprised me with a quart of their home made Maple Syrup! I didn't even know there were hard maples in Missouri that were harvested! They have hundreds of them and this is the real deal

I'm pretty much out of chicks to sell now except for about 5 that are nearly old enough to ship and I have some I've kept back for myself for next year. I have 5 dozen at a friends being incubated but I hadn't snipped tail feathers for a while so I hope they're mostly fertile. That hasn't seemed to be an issue all summer though, they were very fertile! I also have some in the incubator myself and I keep saying "Stop" but I'm not listening,
I also have 3 hens setting and still selling hatching eggs so I've had an amazing summer.

The Lions Club here (my husband is a Lion) may put on a youth show for poultry and rabbits and I hope to be part of that. The FFA students at our HS (across the highway from the Lions Club) requested it so I'm hoping to get some students interested in the breed.

I hope everyone else has had a summer like I did, I need to catch up on posts too.

I have araucana chicks that I hatched because they like to have a hen with chicks at the fair. If anyone is here in Western WA and interested they can have them when the fair is over. I'm not hatching again for me until after Christmas. These are bantams in various colors- none of which look to be show birds. Show quality parents are on display there now in black, blue and white.
By the way, my son Rob got Ch. AOSB with his first homebred large fowl white- a pullet-at the Washington State Fair. Parents were bred by Steve Waters.
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