Ardenner chickens

I haven't found any yet and I've been looking for two years now. You might be able to find some bantams though. Im want the large breed myself. The closest I got to finding them was the "Association for promotion of Belgian poultry breed". I sent them an email and never heard back. Maybe if we both get on them they'll send some. Lol
I don't think the Ardenner has made it yet to the US but I am not certain of this.

Being from the UK I am unsure of the regulations regarding the importation of birds/eggs into the US, however anyone genuinely interested in the breed can email/pm me and I will try to help as I keep them and have regular contact with other breeders in Belgium and France. Thanks.
@ Ardennerman .... My family has been keeping Ardenners for almost a year now. We live close to a lady that works hard to keep old Belgian breeds in existence. I'd love to ask you some questions since my communication with her is usually with one of my children as a backup translator.
I own an ardenner rooster. I didn't know what breed he was until last week because we had adopted him from our local feed store where someone dropped him off. He is great with our dark Brahmas, black australorps, Rhode island red and new Hampshire reds. He really protects them. His last owners did a terrible job with him. He is super jumpy around humans but we have been trying to tame him.

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