Are any show quality?


5 Years
Mar 13, 2014
I am interested in doing the fair next year and showing one of my birds. Are any of mine good enough to show? They don't have to be perfect, but I'd like a chance!
I have an Americauna, Silky Bantam, Fleur De Uccle Bantam, white Cochin Bantam frizzle, and white Cochin Bantam Roo. The roo is a year old and the rest are under a year. :)




I don't know their standards of perfection but, I really like the frizzle, the silkie and the millefleur. Do show birds have to be a certain age? My show background was with Cocker spaniels, - I used to have quite an eye for the best in a litter. But chickens aren't anything like that.
I am interested in doing the fair next year and showing one of my birds. Are any of mine good enough to show? They don't have to be perfect, but I'd like a chance!
I have an Americauna, Silky Bantam, Fleur De Uccle Bantam, white Cochin Bantam frizzle, and white Cochin Bantam Roo. The roo is a year old and the rest are under a year.

I know a lot about the SOP & show quality.
#1-Poor quality (he has brassiness)
#2-Poor quality (it is missing a lot of the black and white in a Mille Fleur plumage)
#3-Would be disqualified (I don't think it's a specific variety)
#4-Good quality
#5-Good quality
There is no breed called Americauna. There is a breed called Ameraucana. Your's, however, is an Easter Egger. If it's a 4H show, quality doesn't really matter. They aren't judging the bird, they are judging you.
For a county fair, go ahead and take the silkie and the frizzle. They both would have placed decently at my fair. For your first show, and a local one (is it an APA show?) you're mostly there for the learning experience. Hang out in the barn all you can. Pick the judge's brain when your birds are up. Chat up the other exhibitors. Look at the other birds and read the judge's comments on the card. Try to see what the judge saw, why that bird was placed the way it was. You can learn a lot even at a small non-sanctioned show.

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