Are apples safe to feed to Chickens?

Mainly my white leghorns are skiddish. The black ones are super friendly, and my brown ones are next in line with friendliness. The black ones have figured out that I feed them, so they come running when they see I'm about to open the coop door.

Leghorn chickens are skittish mostly because philologically as well as mentally Leghorn Chickens are more closely related to the Red Jungle Fowl, the wild ancestor of most domestic chickens. If you want a heritage chicken variety or breed, the Leghorns come the closest to fulfilling that desire.
Leghorn chickens are skittish mostly because philologically as well as mentally Leghorn Chickens are more closely related to the Red Jungle Fowl, the wild ancestor of most domestic chickens.  If you want a heritage chicken variety or breed, the Leghorns come the closest to fulfilling that desire.     

Thanks! I believe my browns are known for both meat and laying, and the special black are just super friendly overall. 1 of the 4 is still a bit scared. My guess is that it will change with time.
Jenyoung, The flock of Games are ours, simply because they adopted us and because the original owner never made the effort to come gather his flock back up. They've been here a long time now. Joy of joys, I saw another hen with 8 newly hatched dibs meander across our yard this afternoon. I've just never saw this happen with any of the Game chickens before where they fight this young. It's like looking at two kindergartners trying to kill each other.
I bet they were getting into meanness together, Teila. Mine are so funny that a bit of Romaine lettuce (instead of iceberg lettuce) willl send them all scurrying into a corner together, or the henhouse if it's closer to them. I put a small little wooden wagon in their run, loaded with fresh dirt for them to mess around and play on. Took em a week before they were willing to get within 2 feet of it ...
sounds just like my girls, they are afraid or leery of anything new. Put on a pair of red rubber gloves to clean the coop once and they all freaked.

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